Edmund Bertschinger Publications
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Refereed Publications
- Seen and unseen tidal caustics in
the Andromeda galaxy
R. Sanderson and E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 725, 1652-1675 (2010).
- Velocity Structure of
Self-Similar Spherically Collapsed Halos
P. Zukin and E. Bertschinger, Phys. Rev. D 82, 104045 (2010).
- Self-Similar Spherical
Collapse with Tidal Torque
P. Zukin and E. Bertschinger, Phys. Rev. D 82, 104044 (2010).
- Hierarchy in the phase space
and dark matter Astronomy
N. Ashfordi, R. Mohayaee, and E. Bertschinger, Phys. Rev. D 81, 101301
- Hierarchical phase space
structure of dark matter haloes: Tidal debris, caustics, and dark matter
N. Ashfordi, R. Mohayaee, and E. Bertschinger, Phys. Rev. D 79, 083526
- Distinguishing modified
gravity from dark energy
E. Bertschinger and P. Zukin, Phys. Rev. D 78, 024015 (2008)
- Kinematic
Density Waves in Accretion Disks
Svetlin Tassev and E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 686, 423-431
- Variational
Integrators for the Gravitational N-Body Problem
W. M. Farr and E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 663, 1420-1433 (2007)
- Effects of Cold
Dark Matter Decoupling and Pair Annihilation on Cosmological
E. Bertschinger, Phys. Rev. D 74, 063509 (2006)
- On the Growth of
Perturbations as a Test of Dark Energy and Gravity
E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 648, 797-806 (2006)
- A Cosmological Kinetic
Theory for the Evolution of Cold Dark Matter Halos with Substructure:
Quasi-Linear Theory
C.-P. Ma & E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical
Journal, 612, 28-50 (2004)
- The Harmonic Structure of
High-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Accreting Black Holes
J. D. Schnittman & E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 606,
1098-1111 (2004)
- Dynamics of Cosmological
Perturbations in Position Space
S. Bashinsky & E. Bertschinger,
Phys. Rev. D 65, 123008 (2002)
- Multiscale Gaussian Random
Fields and Their Application to Cosmological Simulations,
Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 137, 1-20 (2001)
- Position-Space Description
of the Cosmic Microwave Backgound and its Temperature Correlation Function,
S. Bashinsky & E. Bertschinger, Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 081301 (2001)
- Self-Similar
Evolution of Gravitational Clustering. II. N-Body Simulations of the n = -2
B. Jain & E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 509,
517-530 (1998)
- Simulations
of Structure Formation in the Universe
E. Bertschinger, Annual Reviews
of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 36, 599-654 (1998)
- Integral
Solution for the Microwave Background Anisotropies in Non-flat
M. Zaldarriaga, U. Seljak & E. Bertschinger,
Astrophysical Journal, 494, 491-502 (1998)
- The
Peculiar Motions of Elliptical Galaxies in Two Distant Regions. III. The
Photometric Data,
R. P. Saglia, D. Burstein, G. Baggley, E.
Bertschinger, M. M. Colless, R. L. Davies, R. K. McMahan, & G. Wegner,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 292, 499-572 (1997)
- Cosmological
Constraints from High-Redshift Damped Lyman alpha Systems,
C.-P. Ma, E.
Bertschinger, L. Hernquist, D. H. Weinberg, & N. Katz, Astrophysical
Journal, 484, L1-L5 (1997)
- The
Peculiar Motions of Elliptical Galaxies in Two Distant Regions. IV. The
Photometric Fitting Procedure,
R. P. Saglia, E. Bertschinger, G.
Baggley, D. Burstein, M. Colless, R. L. Davies, R. K. McMahan, & G.
Wegner, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 109, 79-102 (1997)
- The
Peculiar Motions of Elliptical Galaxies in Two Distant Regions. I. Cluster and
Galaxy Selection,
G. Wegner, M. Colless, G. Baggley, R. L. Davies, E.
Bertschinger, D. Burstein, R. K. McMahan, & R. P. Saglia, Astrophysical
Journal Supplement, 106, 1 (1996)
- Adding
Long Wavelength Modes to an N-Body Simulation,
G. Tormen & E.
Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 472, 14-24 (1996)
- Local
Approximations to the Gravitational Collapse of Cold Matter,
L. Hui
& E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 471, 1-13 (1996)
- Building
a Cosmological Hydrodynamic Code: Consistency Condition, Moving Mesh Gravity
and SLH-P3M,
N. Y. Gnedin & E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal,
470, 115-130 (1996)
- Constraining
Peaks in Gaussian Primordial Density Fields: an Application of the
Hoffman-Ribak Method,
R. Van de Weygaert & E. Bertschinger, Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 281, 84-118 (1996)
- Self-Similar
Evolution of Gravitational Clustering: Is n=-1 Special?
B. Jain &
E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 456, 43-54 (1996)
- Cosmological
Perturbation Theory in the Synchronous and Conformal Newtonian
C.-P. Ma & E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 455,
7-25 (1995)
- Particle-Mesh Methods
on the Connection Machine,
R. Ferrell & E. Bertschinger,
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 5, 933-956 (1994)
- Cold
Dark Matter II: Spatial and Velocity Statistics,
J. M. Gelb & E.
Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 436, 491-508 (1994)
- Cold
Dark Matter I: The Formation of Dark Halos,
J. M. Gelb & E.
Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 436, 467-490 (1994)
- Formation
of Quasars at High Redshift,
N. Katz, T. Quinn, E. Bertschinger, &
J. M. Gelb, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 270, L71-74
- Lagrangian
Evolution of the Weyl Tensor,
E. Bertschinger & A. J. S. Hamilton,
Astrophysical Journal, 435, 1-8 (1994)
- Cosmic Structure
E. Bertschinger, Physica D, 77, 354-379 (1994)
- Do
Galactic Systems Form Too Late in Cold+Hot Dark Matter Models?
C.-P. Ma
& E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 434, L5-9 (1994)
- Second
Order Power Spectrum and Nonlinear Evolution at High Redshift,
B. Jain
& E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 431, 495-505 (1994)
- Gravitational
Instability of Cold Matter,
E. Bertschinger & B. Jain,
Astrophysical Journal, 431, 486-494 (1994)
- A
Calculation of the Full Neutrino Phase Space in Cold+Hot Dark Matter
C.-P. Ma & E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 429,
22-28 (1994)
- Amplitude
of Primeval Fluctuations from Cosmological Density Reconstructions,
Seljak & E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 427, 523-526 (1994)
- X-Ray
Emission from a Simulated Cluster of Galaxies,
J. C. Tsai, N. Katz,
& E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 423, 553-565 (1994)
- Evolution
of One-Point Distributions from Gaussian Initial Fluctuations,
Kofman, E. Bertschinger, J. M. Gelb, A. Nusser, & A. Dekel, Astrophysical
Journal, 420, 44-57 (1994)
- Maximum-Likelihood
Analysis of the COBE Angular Correlation Function,
U. Seljak & E.
Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 417, L9-12 (1993)
- The Effects of Seeing on the Photometric Properties of Elliptical
R. P. Saglia, E. Bertschinger, G. Baggley, D. Burstein, M.
Colless, R. L. Davies, R. K. McMahan, & G. Wegner, Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, 264, 961-974 (1993)
- IRAS Galaxies versus POTENT Mass: Density Field, Biasing, and Omega,
Dekel, E. Bertschinger, A. Yahil, M. Strauss, M. Davis, & J. Huchra,
Astrophysical Journal, 412, 1-21 (1993)
- Photoelectric and CCD Photometry of E and S0 Galaxies,
M. Colless, D.
Burstein, G. Wegner, R. P. Saglia, R. McMahan, R. L. Davis, E. Bertschinger,
& G. Baggley, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 262,
475-490 (1993)
- Statistics of Primordial Density Perturbations from Discrete Seed
R. J. Scherrer & E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 381,
349-360 (1991)
- Cosmological Velocity-Density Relation in the Quasi-Linear Regime,
Nusser, A. Dekel, E. Bertschinger, & G. R. Blumenthal, Astrophysical
Journal, 379, 6-19 (1991)
- Comparison of Likely Candidate Models for Abell Cluster Structures Against
the Observed Distribution,
D. J. Batuski, A. L. Melott, R. J. Scherrer,
& E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 367, 393-398 (1991)
- Seeded Hot Dark Matter Models for Large-Scale Structure,
J. V.
Villumsen, R. J. Scherrer, & E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 367,
37-44 (1991)
- Potential, Velocity and Density Fields from Redshift-Distance Samples.
Application: Cosmography within 6000 km/s,
E. Bertschinger, A. Dekel, S. M.
Faber, A. Dressler, & D. Burstein, Astrophysical Journal, 364, 370-395
- Potential, Velocity and Density Fields from Redshift-Distance Samples:
A. Dekel, E. Bertschinger, & S. M. Faber, Astrophysical
Journal, 364, 349-369 (1990)
- Effect of the Great Attractor on the Cosmic Microwave Background
E. Bertschinger, K. M. G\'orski, & A. Dekel, Nature, 345,
507-508 (1990)
- Global Strings and Superfluid Vortices: Analogies and Differences,
Gradwohl, G. K\"albermann, T. Piran, & E. Bertschinger, Nuclear Physics B,
338, 371-385 (1990)
- Prescription for Successful Extended Inflation,
D. La, P. Steinhardt,
& E. Bertschinger, Physics Letters B, 231, 231-236 (1989)
- The Evolution of Cooling Flows: Self-Similar Cooling Waves,
Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 340, 666-679 (1989)
- The Formation of Large-Scale Structure from Cosmic Strings and Massive
R. J. Scherrer, A. L. Melott, & E. Bertschinger, Physical
Review Letters, 62, 379-382 (1989)
- Recovering the Full Velocity and Density Fields from Large-Scale
Redshift-Distance Samples,
E. Bertschinger & A. Dekel, Astrophysical
Journal, 336, L5-8 (1989)
- Dynamics of Radiative Supernova Remnants,
D. F. Cioffi, C. F. McKee,
& E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 334, 252-265 (1988)
- Searching for the Great Attractor, E. Bertschinger & R.
Juszkiewicz, Astrophysical Journal, 334, L59-62 (1988)
- Galaxy Formation with Cosmic Strings and Massive Neutrinos,
Bertschinger & P. N. Watts, Astrophysical Journal, 328, 23-33 (1988)
- Can Cosmic Strings Generate Large-Scale Streaming Velocities?
Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 324, 5-18 (1988)
- Path Integral Methods for Primordial Density Perturbations: Sampling of
Constrained Gaussian Random Noise,
E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal,
323, L103-106 (1987)
- Cosmological Accretion Wakes,
E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal,
316, 489-496 (1987)
- The Role of Heat Conduction in the Cooling Flows of Galaxy Clusters,
Bertschinger & A. Meiksin, Astrophysical Journal, 306, L1-5 (1986)
- On the Structure and Stability of Radiative Shock Waves,
Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 304, 154-177 (1986)
- A Periodic Shock Wave Model for Mira Variable Atmospheres,
Bertschinger & R. A. Chevalier, Astrophysical Journal, 299, 167-190 (1985)
- Cosmological Detonation Waves,
E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal,
295, 1-13 (1985)
- Self-Similar Secondary Infall and Accretion in an Einstein-de Sitter
E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 58, 39-66
- The Self-Similar Evolution of Holes in an Einstein-de Sitter
E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 58, 1-37
- Explosions in the Early Universe,
E. T. Vishniac, J. P. Ostriker, &
E. Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 291, 399-416 (1985)
- Cosmological Self-Similar Shock Waves and Galaxy Formation,
Bertschinger, Astrophysical Journal, 268, 17-29 (1983)
Non-refereed Publications
- Bullying Can Happen in College, Too.
D. J. Nelson, E. Bertschinger, D. Burgess, & E. A. Nalley, Chronicle of Higher Education, February 13, 2011.
General relativity for sophomores,
E. Bertschinger and E. F.
Taylor, American Journal of Physics, 76, 103-105 (2008)
- Brownian Motion of
Stars, Dust, and Invisible Matter,
E. Bertschinger, in Proceedings
of the Albert Einstein Century, ed. J.-M. Alimi and A. Fuzfa (2006)
- A Hot Spot Model for
Black Hole QPOs,
J. D. Schnittman and E. Bertschinger, in X-Ray Timing
2003: Rossi and Beyond, ed. P. Kaaret, F. K. Lamb, and J. H. Swank
(Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics), 40-43 (2004)
- Cosmological Perturbation
Theory and Structure Formation,
E. Bertschinger, in Proceedings
of Cosmology 2000, ed. M. C. Bento, O. Bertolami, and L. Teodoro (2000)
- How Did Galaxies Form?
E. Bertschinger, R.G. Bower, A.G. Doroshkevich,
N. Kaiser, P. Petitjean, M. Steinmetz, A.S. Szalay, J. Wambsganss, &
S.D.M. White, in The Evolution of the Universe, ed. G. B\"orner and S.
Gottl\"ober (Chichester: Wiley), 275-298 (1997)
- Cosmological
E. Bertschinger, in Cosmology and Large Scale Structure,
proc. Les Houches Summer School, Session LX, ed. R. Schaeffer, J. Silk, M.
Spiro, and J. Zinn-Justin (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science), 273-347 (1996)
- Parallel
Linear General Relativity and CMB Anisotropies,
P. Bode & E.
Bertschinger, in proc. Supercomputing
- A Parallel Processing
Algorithm for Computing Short-Range Particle Forces with Inhomogeneous
Particle Distributions,
R. C. Ferrell & E. Bertschinger, to appear
in proc. Society for Computer Simulation Multiconference, April 1995
- Constraints on Models from POTENT and CMB Anisotropies,
U. Seljak &
E. Bertschinger, in Present and Future of the Cosmic Microwave Background, ed.
J. L. Sanz, E. Martinez-Gonzalez, & L. Cay\'on (Berlin: Springer-Verlag),
165-171 (1994)
- The Revolution in Cosmology,
E. Bertschinger, in 1994 Yearbook of
Science and the Future, Encyclopaedia Brittanica (Chicago: Encyclopaedia
Brittanica), 46-65 (1994)
- Adding Long Wavelength Modes to an N-Body Simulation,
G. Tormen &
E. Bertschinger, in Cosmic Velocity Fields, ed. F. Bouchet & M.
Lachi\`eze-Rey (Gif-sur-Yvette: Editions Fronti\`eres), 589-590 (1993)
- Testing the Theoretical Models using POTENT Reconstructed Density
U. Seljak & E. Bertschinger, in Cosmic Velocity Fields, ed. F.
Bouchet & M. Lachi\`eze-Rey (Gif-sur-Yvette: Editions Fronti\`eres),
579-580 (1993)
- Nonlinear Effects due to the Coupling of Long-Wave Modes,
B. Jain &
E. Bertschinger, in Cosmic Velocity Fields, ed. F. Bouchet & M.
Lachi\`eze-Rey (Gif-sur-Yvette: Editions Fronti\`eres), 553-554 (1993)
- Kinematical and
Dynamical Approaches to Gravitational Instability,
E. Bertschinger, in
Cosmic Velocity Fields, ed. F. Bouchet & M. Lachi\`eze-Rey
(Gif-sur-Yvette: Editions Fronti\`eres), 137-146 (1993)
- Gravitational Clustering in Cosmology,
E. Bertschinger, in Statistical Description of Transport
in Plasma, Astro-, and Nuclear Physics, ed. J. Misguich, G. Pelletier, &
P. Schuck, (Commack, NY: Nova Science), 193-205 (1993)
- Galaxy Formation and Large-Scale Structure,
E. Bertschinger, Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Sciences,
688, 297-310 (1993)
- The Distances to Elliptical Galaxies,
R. L. Davies, G. Baggley, E.
Bertschinger, D. Burstein, M. Colless, R. McMahan, R. Saglia, & G. Wegner,
in Structure, Dynamics and Chemical Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies, ed. I.
J. Danziger, W. W. Zeilinger, & K. Kj\"ar, 159 (1993)
- Large-Scale Structures and Motions: Linear Theory and Statistics,
E. Bertschinger, in New Insights into the Universe, ed. V.
J. Martinez, M. Portilla & D. Saez (New York: Springer-Verlag), 64-126
(1992); also in Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics, ed. N. Sanchez
& A. Zichici (Singapore: World Scientific), 237-395 (1992)
- Dark Matter in the Universe,
E. Bertschinger, in The Astronomy and
Astrophysics Encyclopedia, ed. S. P. Maran (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold),
170-171 (1991)
- Cosmological N-Body Simulations,
E. Bertschinger & J. M. Gelb,
Computers in Physics, 5, 164-179 (1991)
- N-Body Simulations: From Galaxies to Cosmology,
E. Bertschinger, in
After the First Three Minutes, ed. S. Holt, V. Trimble & C. Bennett (New
York: AIP), 297-311 (1991)
- On Determining the Dn-log(sigma) Relation for Elliptical Galaxies using
Red CCD Images,
G. Wegner, R. L. Davies, M. Colless, D. Burstein, E.
Bertschinger, & R. K, McMahan, in Large-Scale Structures and Peculiar
Motions in the Universe, ed. D. W. Latham \& L. N. da Costa (San
Francisco: ASP), 129-133 (1991)
- Mapping Large-Scale Flows in Three Dimensions: Application,
A. Dekel
& E. Bertschinger, in Large-Scale Structures and Peculiar Motions in the
Universe, ed. D. W. Latham \& L. N. da Costa (San Francisco: ASP), 83-102
- Mapping Large-Scale Flows in Three Dimensions: Method,
E. Bertschinger
& A. Dekel, in Large-Scale Structures and Peculiar Motions in the
Universe, ed. D. W. Latham \& L. N. da Costa (San Francisco: ASP), 67-82
- Large-Scale Motions in the Universe: A Review,
E. Bertschinger, in
Particle Astrophysics: The early universe and cosmic structures, ed. J. M.
Alimi, A. Blanchard, A. Bouquet, F. Martin de Volnay, & J. Tran Thanh Van
(Gif sur Yvette: Editions Fronti\`eres), 411-432 (1990)
- Einstein's Blunder Resurrected,
E. Bertschinger, Nature, 348, 675-676
(News and Views) (1990)
- String-Seeded Galaxy Formation: Linear Theory and N-Body
E. Bertschinger, in Proc. Cambridge Symposium on the Formation
and Evolution of Cosmic Strings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press),
481-501 (1990)
- Cosmic Strings and Galaxy Formation,
E. Bertschinger, Annals of the
N.Y. Academy of Sciences, 571, 151-169 (1989)
- Neutrinos, Cosmic Strings, and Galaxy Formation,
E. Bertschinger, in
Neutrino '88, ed. J. Schneps, T. Kafka, W. A. Mann, & P. Nath (Singapore:
World Scientific), 674-686 (1989)
- Resurrecting Hot Dark Matter with Cosmic Strings,
E. Bertschinger, in
Cosmic Strings: The Current Status, ed. F. S. Accetta & L. M. Krauss
(Singapore: World Scientific), 185-196 (1988)
- Monte Carlo Simulations of Large-Scale Streaming Velocities,
Bertschinger, in The Post-Recombination Universe, ed. N. Kaiser & A. N.
Lasenby (Dordrecht: Kluwer), 249-251 (1988)
- A Semi-Analytic Approach to Cooling Flow Evolution,
E. Bertschinger, in
Cooling Flows in Galaxies and Clusters, ed. A. C. Fabian (Dordrecht: Kluwer),
337-341 (1988)
- Path Integral Methods for Primordial Density Perturbations,
Bertschinger & J. M. Gelb, in Large Scale Structures of the Universe,
proc. IAU Symp. 130, ed. J. Audouze, M.-C. Pelletan, & A. Szalay
(Dordrecht: Reidel), 593 (1988)
- Stringing Along the Galaxies,
E. Bertschinger, Nature, 333, 13-14 (News
and Views) (1988)
- Galaxy Formation in a Universe Dominated by Cold Dark Matter,
Bertschinger, in Dark Matter in the Universe, proc. IAU Symp. 117, ed. J.
Kormendy & G. R. Knapp (Dordrecht: Reidel), 360 (1987)
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