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Here we describe the regional-scale hydrological cycle of Illinois, including both the land and atmospheric branches, using a dataset on most of the hydrological variables i.e., precipitation, streamflow, soil water content, snow depth, groundwater table level, and atmospheric flux of water vapor. Since direct observations on evaporation are not available, two different approaches-soil water balance and atmospheric water balance were applied to estimate the regional evaporation over Illinois from 1983 to 1994. The availability of a comprehensive hydrological dataset covering the large area of Illinois facilitated a comparison between these two approaches for estimation of evaporation. To our knowledge, this is the first time such a comparison has been made. The climatologies of the monthly evaporation estimates from the two approaches agree reasonably well, and within a 10% error; however, substantial differences exist between the two estimates of evaporation for individual months. The seasonal variability of the evaporation estimates based on soil water balance is largely balanced by the seasonal pattern of subsurface storage, whereas the seasonal variability of evaporation estimates from the atmospheric water balance is almost entirely balanced by the seasonal pattern of lateral fluxes of water vapor. This contrast reflects a fundamental difference in the hydrology of the land and atmospheric branches of the regional water cycle. In light of the fact that independent datasets were used in the two approaches, our results are encouraging: the atmospheric water balance approach has the potential for the accurate estimation of the climatology of regional evaporation, at least for humid regions at a scale similar to that of Illinois (~ 105 Km2 ). However, sensitivity analysis suggests that the accuracy of atmospheric water.

Yeh, P. J.-F., M. Irizzary and E. A. B. Eltahir, 1998. Hydroclimatology of Illinois: A Comparison of the Estimates of Evaporation Based on Atmospheric Water Balance and Soil Water Balance, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103(D16): 19,823-19,837.a_grl98_files/1998%20Yeh%20Irizarry%20Eltahir%20hydroclimat%20JGR.pdfa_grl98_files/1998%20Yeh%20Irizarry%20Eltahir%20hydroclimat%20JGR.pdfa_grl98_files/1998%20Yeh%20Irizarry%20Eltahir%20hydroclimat%20JGR.pdfshapeimage_10_link_0shapeimage_10_link_1shapeimage_10_link_2
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