Advertising & Promotion

Advertising Guidelines

It is Institute policy that when advertising programs to be held on campus, the focus should be toward the students, faculty, and the staff of the MIT community. Advertising must include all relevant information such as the time and place of the event, the admission policy and price, the name of the sponsoring group, and a means of obtaining additional information. Student groups may also be required to credit co-sponsoring funding sources. In addition, advertising must indicate when metal detectors will be in use. The following forms of advertisement for events (with or without alcohol) are specifically forbidden for student groups:

  • off-campus radio, television or newspaper ads including public service announcements
  • posters in view of the general public

Questions regarding this student group policy and requests for waivers should be directed to the Student Organizations, Leadership and Engagement Office (W20-500, 253-6777). Please also refer to applicable copyright laws when creating artwork for display in public areas (see copyright on page 41).

Alcohol may not, in any context, be the central focus of any event and should not be advertised as such. The availability of alcohol should clearly be adjunct to the program and available as a refreshment only. Groups sponsoring events where alcohol will be served must agree to the following advertising guidelines:

  • Advertising must focus on the event, not the alcohol. Phrases such as "Beverages Available" and "Positive ID Required" are acceptable, while phrases such as "Keg Party" and "Beer Bash" are not.
  • Advertising may not offer free alcohol, provide information regarding the type or brand of alcohol to be served, or include phrases such as "All You Can Drink."