The Official Unisex Sigma Delta/Lambda Sigma Delta Purity Test
Score one point for each "No." All technicalities count.
(*) means you must have done this with someone who is/was sexually
interesting to you
Have you ever...
- Had an erection? (clitoral counts)
- Had a date?
- Kissed someone other than your mother? (*)
- Had a date past 4:00 A.M.?
- Had a date Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of the same weekend?
- Done 3. in the last three months?
- Done 3. while both of you were in a horizontal position?
- Done 3. during a first date/encounter?
- French kissed?
- Ear frenched or been ear frenched?
- Danced with someone? (*)
- Floor danced/experienced the carpet?
- Necked continuously for more than fifteen minutes?
- Necked continuously for more than three hours?
- Lied to break a date?
- Gone steady? (i.e., been involved with the same person for at
least a few weeks nonstop)
- Petted below the shoulders?
- Gone swimming with someone else when both of you were nude? (*)
- Bathed or showered with someone? (*)
- Had your covered breast fondled (if you are a woman), or fondled
the covered breast of a woman (not yourself)?
- Had your bare breast fondled (if you are a woman), or fondled
the bare breast of a woman (not yourself)?
- Done 21. in the last three months?
- Had your bra removed by an interested party, or removed the bra
of an interested party?
- Worn enticing lingerie for an interested party?
- Done 21. with someone you picked up?
- Had your nipples sucked, or sucked someone else's nipples?
- Done 26. in the last three months?
- Had someone else's hand under your skirt/down your pants?
- Fondled a woman's vagina?
- Done 29. on a first date/encounter?
- Done 29. in the last three months?
- Gone through the motions of sexual intercourse while fully
- Seen a completely nude person not of your gender? (*)
- Been seen completely nude by a person not of your gender? (*)
(doctors/nurses don't count)
- Been completely undressed by someone? (*)
- Told someone you loved them when you did not?
- Had two sexual encounters with two different people within a
twelve-hour period?
- Been involved sexually with two people at the same time?
- Told or listened to dirty jokes in mixed company?
- Read pornographic literature?
- Seen a pornographic movie?
- Seen a burlesque show?
- Had an orgasm?
- Masturbated?
- Discussed masturbation with an interested party?
- Done 44. in the last three months?
- Done 44. with foreign objects? (Not the Yugoslavian upstairs.)
- Had a nocturnal orgasm (wet dream for guys)?
- Done up anything containing tobacco?
- Had an alcoholic drink?
- Thrown up due to excessive consumption of alcohol?
- Passed out due to excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs?
- Used marijuana or hashish? (brownies count)
- Used anything harder? (e.g. amphetamines, hallucinogens, etc.)
- Illegally trafficked in drugs?
- Participated in a drug party that lasted longer than 24 hours?
(Steer Roast counts)
- Unbuckled the belt or unzipped the fly of another person, or had
your belt unbuckled or fly unzipped? (*)
- Fondled a man's bare genitals?
- Participated in fellatio?
- Participated in cunnilingus?
- Had sexual intercourse?
- Done 61. in the last three months?
- Done 61. with a virgin? (not yourself)
- Done 61. during the woman's menstrual period?
- Done 61. without birth control?
- Done 61. in a car?
- Done 61. in a frat or motel room?
- Done 61. in the Greek manner? (Anal intercourse.)
- ?????
- Done 61. with the woman in the dominant position?
- Done 61. standing up?
- Done 61. doggie style? (from the rear)
- Done 61. in the shower?
- Done 61. on a first encounter?
- Done 61. in an altered state? (not Idaho)
- Done 61. with more than one person? (not necessarily at the same
- Done 61. with more than seven different people? (not necessarily
at the same time)
- Done 61. with more than one person in the same night? (night is
defined as 6pm-6am)
- Done 61. more than three times in the same night? (not
necessarily with the same person)
- Done 61. more than ten times with the same person?
- Participated in a threesome? (all three parties must actually be
participating; just watching doesn't count)
- Used a sexual aid or appliance?
- Convinced a person to masturbate in front of you?
- Made a sexual proposition?
- Had a homosexual experience?
- Attempted or reached climax with someone of your gender?
- Made love for personal gain? (drugs, information, etc.)
- Taken or given money for sex? (not with your current lover)
- Been employed in or patronized a house of ill repute?
- Been watched during sex by an impartial observer?
- Had V.D.?
- Engaged in bestiality?
- Become pregnant if you are a woman, or gotten someone pregnant
if you are a man?
- Had an abortion if you were a woman, or had a fetus that was
your fault aborted if you were a man?
- Fathered/mothered an illegitimate child?
- Allowed a man to ejaculate in your mouth, or ejaculated in
someone's mouth if you are a man?
- Participated in an orgy? (more than 4 people)
- Committed adultery? (where two people have sex and at least one
of them is married to someone who is not the other one)
- Been arrested?
- Committed a felony? (other than those above)
Posted 26 August 1998
Any and all credit for this belongs to Senior Haus, not us.
Fifth East /