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George Abu Daoud

CS student @ MIT - class of '24

education experience portfolio details resume linkedin github

Welcome! :)

This is my website.

I'm an enthusiastic student always eager to learn and expand my horizons! I'm interested in CS, Stats and Data Sci, and ML.

Computer Science

My passion for CS started at a very young age when I first picked up coding at the age of 12. Ever since, I've been jumping at every opportunity to learn more about the subject.

I joined MEET, a highly selective program, in 2016. I studied CS and entrepreneurship and gained leadership skills and a deeper understanding of the reality in the Middle East. In 2018, I co-founded a startup with a team from the program.

I started pursuing my B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering (6-3) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Sep 2020. In my time there, I've had many opportunities to gain more skills and knowledge. I particularly enjoyed taking sotware construction, algorithm, and ML classes.

I am also pursuing a minor in statistics and data science, because I find the intersection between this field and CS to be very interesting.

After graduating, I'm hoping to pursue higher education in the field.


Another passion of mine is education. I truly believe in the power of education to create a better society and improve the world we live in.

After graduating the MEET program in 2018, I started working as a CS TA, and later on as an instructor (in 2020). I learned so much from that experience, and I found so much joy and purpose in working with some of the brightest kids I've met.

Around the same time, I worked with Retorika for Multiculturalism as a Model UN mentor. I redesigned the curriculum and had the privilege of working with students from several schools across Nazareth.

At MIT today, I still get the chance to teach (and learn) through the several teaching positions that I took on over my years at the institute.

The power of teaching stems from the impact educators have on their students, which something I've observed during my years as an educator, and also during my years as a student watching great teachers who will have an impact on me for years to come.


B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering (6-3)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, MA, USA

Bagrut (Israeli Matriculation)

St. Joseph Seminary and High School - Nazareth



Distributed Sensing

MIT Mechanical Engineering Department - Cambridge, MA, USA

  • Developing an Android app for data collection.
  • Analyzing data from multiple sources for prediction and ML purposes.

Generative Simulation of Polymer Chains with Reinforcement Learning

MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium - Cambridge, MA, USA

  • Using RL to train simulated polymers to form valid structures.
  • Desiging and training netowrks using PyTorch.
  • Developing RL model in Unity.


Machine Learning (6.3900) TA/LA

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, MA, USA
2022 (LA), 2023 (TA)

  • Preparing for and teaching ML concepts during lab sections.
  • Preparing for, grading, and proctoring midterms and finals.
  • Holding and running weekly office hours sections.

Computer Science TA/Instructor

Middle East Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow (MEET) - Jerusalem
2018-2020 (TA), 2020-2022 (Instructor)

  • Teaching Python and web development to binational cohorts of selected innovative and entrepreneurial HS students.
  • Working closely with instruction teams and facing the challenges imposed by virtual learning.
  • Creating and preparing teaching materials and contributing to the curriculum.

Algorithms and Data Structures (6.1210) Problem Set Grader

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, MA, USA

  • Grading weekly problem sets.

Introduction to CS in Python (6.100A) and Computational Thinkings and Data Science (6.100B) LA

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, MA, USA

  • Holding office hours and helping students with problem stes and giving lab checkoffs.

Physics I - Mechanics (8.01) UTA

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, MA, USA

  • Supporting and helping students during lecture and Friday problem solving.
  • Grading weekly problem sets.


Retorika for Multiculturalism - Nazareth

  • Taught Model UN courses at several high schools.
  • Organized and accompanied delegations to MUN conferences accross the country.
  • Developed curriculum and adapted for virtual learning.

Entrepreneurship and Industry

Machine Learning Intern

NewBorne - Cambridge, MA, USA

  • Collected datasets for training and testing the model.
  • Studied models for similar problems to design the neural network.
  • Studied possible ways to process the sound samples into ML features.

Co-Founder and Lead Developer

EasyLicense - Nazareth

  • Lead the development team and coordinated its works.
  • Worked mainly with the backend team.
  • Built the android application using Java.


Email Spam Classifier

Skills: Machine Learning, NLP

Reinforcement Learning Classes

Skills: Machine Learning, RL, OOP

More Details


External Links

linkedin:George Abu Daoud


Machine LearningPythonEducation
Web DevEntrepreneurshipLeadership

