Who We Are
इयं विसृिष्टियर्त आबभूव यिद वा दधेयिद वा न ।
यो अस्याध्यक्ष: परमे व्योमन्त्सो अङ्ग वेद यिद वा न वेद ॥
iyam visrushtiryata ababhuva | yadi va dadhe yadi va na |
yo asyadhyakshah parame vyomann | so amga veda yadi va na veda ||
That, from which creation arises, maybe it intends to create it;
Or maybe it does not intend to create it.
He, who sees it all from the highest heavens;
Maybe He knows, or maybe He does not know.
MIT Hindu Students Council brings together all those who are inspired by the unbroken lineage of spiritual and philosophical thinkers, Rishis and Rishikas, who have sought answers for eternal truths.
We are the followers of Sanatan Dharma, practitioners of 5000 years of unbroken principle that tells us that “ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti: That which exists is One; the sages call it by various names. We are a community that fosters the Sanatan Hindu philosophy, culture and religion within the MIT and adjoining community.
We celebrate Pujas and Festivals and seek to spread the joy of knowledge. We are here for each other, our goal is to help each of us discover the divine within and realize “thou art that” tat tvam asi.
The mission of MIT HSC is to promote understanding of Hindu culture and heritage, foster awareness of issues affecting Hinduism, and provide service to the community. We do this by helping students experience Hinduism through celebrations of Hindu festivals, regular discussions, satsanga sessions, classes and symposia and guest lectures. We are open to people and ideas of all faiths and backgrounds.
Whether you identify as a Hindu or are curious about the religion, we welcome you to join us!
Our Chaplain
Chaplain Swami Tyagananda

Swami Tyagananda (Hindu Chaplain, Vedanta), a monk of the Ramakrishna Order since 1976, is the head of the Vedanta Society in Boston, and is the Hindu Chaplain both at MIT and Harvard. Prior to coming to the United States, Swami was for eleven years the editor of the English language journal Vedanta Kesari based in Chennai, India. He has written, translated and edited ten books, including Monasticism: Ideals and Traditions (1991), Values: The Key to a Meaningful Life (1996) and The Essence of the Gita (2000), Interpreting Ramakrishna (2011), and his latest book, Walking the Walk: A Manual of Karma Yoga (2013).
Swami Tyagananda has presented papers at academic conferences and he gives lectures and classes at the Vedanta Society as well as at MIT, Harvard and, on invitation, other colleges and religious groups in North America. He shares the insights of his tradition on the campus, collaborating with the Hindu Students’ Council (HSC-MIT). The weekly meetings at the Vedanta Society consist of prayer, guided meditation, study of spiritual texts, and informal discussions. Swami makes himself available for personal interviews, meditation instruction, and spiritual guidance, and can be reached via e-mail or phone.
Contact info:
Spring 2023
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Officers / Contact Us
Feel free to contact any of the officers if you have questions about the group.
general queries, it’s best to email the entire board at hsc-board
Unless otherwise specified, all e-mail addresses should be followed by
. The domain part has been removed to avoid being targeted by spambots.
Last updated April 14, 2023.
Mailing Lists
Officers | hsc-board |
Full HSC Group | mithsc |
Swami Tyagananda | tyag |
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President | Ruchitha Channapatna | ruchitha |
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President | Suchitha Channapatna | suchitha |
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Treasurer | Sangabattula Lokesh | lokeshs |
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title | name | kerb |
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Dev | Eeshan Tripathii | eeshan |
MIT | MIT Religious, Spiritual and Ethical Life
All Assets & Code Designed and Made by MIT HSC