MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2013

Spatial Statistics: Regression

Jennie Murack

Jan/29 Tue 01:00PM-03:00PM 14N-132

Enrollment: Limited: Advance sign-up required
Limited to 22 participants
Prereq: A basic knowledge of ArcMap

In this workshop you’ll learn how to apply the principles of regression analysis to spatial data. Find out how to discover the relationship of predictors to your variable of interest. We’ll use both ArcMap and Geoda.

Prerequisites: A basic knowledge of ArcMap, including how to load data and a familiarity with the interface.

Register here:

Sponsor(s): Geographic Information Systems Lab, Libraries
Contact: Jennie Murack, 7-238, 617 258-6680, MURACK@MIT.EDU