MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2013

Leadership Opportunities through the UAAP: Orientation Leader and Associate Advisor

Katie Julian, Staff Associate, Elizabeth Young, Associate Dean, Leslie Bottari, Staff Associate

Jan/15 Tue 12:00PM-01:00PM 4-145
Jan/24 Thu 04:00PM-05:00PM 4-149

Enrollment: Limited: First come, first served (no advance sign-up)
Attendance: Repeating event, particpants welcome at any session

The Office of Undergraduate Advising and Academic Programming offers two main leadership opportunities for undergraduates—orientation leader and associate advisor. Both positions play a key role in helping first year students make a successful transition to MIT. In this interactive information session, hear from staff and students about the roles and responsibilities of an OL and AA, the application process, and the skills gained from these positions that will assist you in your future endeavors. Bring any and all questions! Light refreshments will be served.

Sponsor(s): Office of Undergrad. Advising/Academic Programming
Contact: Katherine Julian, 7-103, 617 253-9764, KJULIAN@MIT.EDU