MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2016 Activities by Sponsor - Mystery Hunt

Mystery Hunt 2016

Megan Russell

Jan/15 Fri 12:00PM-11:59PM all around campus
Jan/16 Sat 12:00AM-11:59PM all around campus
Jan/17 Sun 12:00AM-11:59PM all around campus

Enrollment: Unlimited: Advance sign-up required
Sign-up by 01/15
Attendance: Repeating event, particpants welcome at any session

The MIT Mystery Hunt is an annual puzzle hunt competition occurring over the Martin Luther King Jr. weekend. The hunt challenges each participating team to solve a large number of puzzles which lead to an object (a "coin") hidden somewhere on campus. The winning team gets to write the subsequent year's hunt. Kickoff will be January 15th, more details about the time, location and registration will be released later. We are supported by the UA Finboard.

More information can be found at

Happy Hunting!

Sponsor(s): Mystery Hunt
Contact: MIT Mystery Hunt,