Describing the objects in a scene doesn't serve much purpose unless you can see the objects when they are rendered. Open Inventor tries to guess at some workable viewing defaults so that you can see a scene, but you will usually be better off controlling this yourself. The two concepts that determine how you view a scene are camera and lighting.
Cameras describe where you are viewing the scene from, and as such have various fields to control characteristics like camera position and orientation. There are two camera classes in Open Inventor:
shows you
the scene and applies foreshortening to give you a better impression
of distance.
PerspectiveCamera { viewportMapping ADJUST_CAMERA position 0 0 1 orientation 0 0 1 0 aspectRatio 1 nearDistance 1 farDistance 10 focalDistance 5 heightAngle 0.785398 }
shows you
the scene but doesn't apply any foreshortening.
OrthographicCamera { viewportMapping ADJUST_CAMERA position 0 0 1 orientation 0 0 1 0 aspectRatio 1 nearDistance 1 farDistance 10 focalDistance 5 height 2 }
One interesting way to create a walk-through-like animation would be to animate the camera instead of animating the objects in a scene. This would be useful, for example, to let somebody know what it would look like to walk through a building.
node provides
a light source that illuminates the entire scene. Use this to
model lighting from a distance source, like the Sun.
DirectionalLight { on TRUE intensity 1 color 1 1 1 direction 0 0 -1 }
node provides light that
emanates in all directions from a single point source of light.
Use this to model lighting from small sources like a candle flame
or an unshaded light bulb.
PointLight { on TRUE intensity 1 color 1 1 1 location 0 0 1 }
node has properties of both
the previous lighting methods. The light comes from a particular
source, but is directed in a cone. Use this for modelling (what else?)
SpotLight { on TRUE intensity 1 color 1 1 1 location 0 0 1 direction 0 0 -1 dropOffRate 0 cutOffAngle 0.785398 }
More information about cameras and lighting in Open Inventor is available in chapter 4 of Inventor Mentor.