Explore the Mandelbrot Set

This is an exact copy (as of 12/9/2023) of David Eck Mandelbrot Viewer. Go to Eck's site David Eck Javascript applets for some other nice applets.

Explore the Mandelbrot Set

Drag on the image to draw a box, and the program will zoom in on that box.
(Click here for more info, instructions, and examples.)


Computing, normal precision...

Mandelbrot examples can be coded as "XML documents."
You can copy-and-paste the XML code for an example
into this text input box. Click "Apply" to import the
example. Click "Cancel" or press ESC to cancel. The
"Grab Current Example" button loads the XML for the
example that is currently shown in the program; this
allows you to save the example (or even edit it by hand).


Palette Length
%  Offset