So I constructed a few lame anagrams and proposed a contest in Di News De, the Peace Corps/Sierra Leone bimonthly rag. There were several responses in the next issue, but we were all blown away by this masterpiece by a British Council worker in Makeni:
A long insane warlord,
Insane Golan warlord...
As a lion, Ron wrangled.
Lean Ron is a wrong lad.
Danger! An ill war soon.
Ill war rages on and on,
A long, lean SDI war, Ron.
Lean Ron is a wrong lad.
Ron draws along a line.
A long Ron leads in war,
War alone, darling son.
Lean Ron is a wrong lad.
Ron: a lewd slogan: Iran.
Iran allows no danger,
Allow Iran no gardens.
Lean Ron is a wrong lad.
Regal London saw Iran.
Iran warns gold alone.
Sell a dog now, ran Iran.
Lean Ron is a wrong lad.
No wars: Ron gained all.
Was all Ron gained Ron?
Lo! Ron's law in danger,
Lean Ron is a wrong lad.
Now an order gains all.
I, Don, ran no legal wars.
Ron, law is an old anger.
Lean Ron is a wrong lad.
Will Ron anger as a Don?
Lo! No darn Regan wails!
No laird! No Regan laws!
Lean Ron is a wrong lad.
Warn Ron: all AIDS gone,
An Ollie drawn groans,
A raw girl and low son.
Lean Ron is a wrong lad,
A nadir song worn leal.
--David Thornton
Since then I have written a few anagrammatic poems myself, but I have to admit none have been as good as the one above. Here are a few examples:
I bare more lily neck,
I kneel o'er racy limb.
My broken Eire lilac,
I rebel like acronym.
I, malice, broken lyre,
Only lie, irk, embrace.
Rock--belie manly ire,
My rib or like enlace.
Lick or lie by me near,
Lie rimy, broken lace;
Nor label me icy Kier,
I roll in key embrace.
Rein back, my Lorelei,
Mi reina, rocky belle.
Be my link, care or lie,
Ere I comb airy knell.
Ere I brick loyal men,
I reck only rebel aim.
By realm I lie, reckon,
I cry or keel in blame.
The D. M. Harris A-Exam Support Committee Presents:
(Libretto edition)
Rare is maidenhair!
I admire her as rain.
I aid her arm as rein.
Maidenhair is rare!
Maidenhair is rare!
I desire an arm hair.
I rain; he dreams air.
Rare is maidenhair!
I, Dan, her aim raiser.
I am her raid an' sire.
I, Dan, hear a rim's ire.
I am her sad Rainier.
Rare is maidenhair!
A dreamer is in hair.
He dreams in air--air!
Maidenhair is rare.
Hi, dreamer (as I rain)!
I rinse a dream hair.
Hi! Rein-arm is a dare.
He dreams air; I, rain.
Her aim is a rare din.
I am her dear raisin.
I am her rare sin aid.
Her saner aim I raid.
I admire a rare shin.
I am her dear air sin.
I harm a rain desire,
I raid a ramen shire!
I raid a ramen shire,
Her saner aim I raid.
I said, "A ramen hirer,"
Her rain airs I made.
I rinse a dream hair,
I dream rain is hare.
In dream, raise hair;
I share dream in air.
I smear a drain heir!
Admire her sin aria!
I, ash. I render Maria.
Diana marries heir!
A! Di marries an heir!
Her air-dream is Ian.
Air-head marries in.
Maidenhair is rare!
Her rain drain is me.
I hear dream is rain.
I am her raised rain.
Her nadir aria is me.
Rococo PC trashed, nil. Aspiring, I
Incorporate iron-clad chips--SGI.
I plot in accord, I graph in scores;
I clip, chop, grind--reaction soars.
(I still wonder why I didn't win--how can you beat an AABB anagrammatic poem with exactly 25 words?)
Eli, nerd cad.
Eli in cadre,
Recalled in.
Dine in cellar.
Nil ale rec'd;
Lend eclair.
Nice: all red,
In cell diner,
In dear cell.
Nerd cad, Eli.
All red acne.
Lance idler.
Lancer lied.
I rend a cell.
Cell air end.
Nelli cared.
Neill raced.
Clare led in.
Della nicer.
Raced Neill.
Neill arced,
End ill race.
Cede ill-ran.
Declare nil.
Erin called.
Clean riled.
Call reined.
Call end ire.
Recline lad.
I clan Elder
Ill ace nerd.
I felt Harold.
Ah! I felt Lord.
Lo! I felt hard.
Thrilled oaf.
I'l froth a deal;
A frothed ill.
Lo! A red filth.
Hell of a dirt.
I ladle froth.
I lather fold.
Ho! I felt lard;
I lard hot elf.
Lord, hit a elf.
Rid loth elf.
I Thor, elf lad;
I rot elf dhal.
Lo! A third elf.
Of hell a dirt.
Reload filth.
Lo! Hitler fad.
Falter? I hold.
"Daft" I holler.
"Fah" trolled I.
I hold elf rat.
Hah! Fetid roll.
I lard hot elf
I fled lo Thor.
Ire doth fall.
He a old flirt.
A droll thief,
A refit dholl.
Adolf Hitler.
--Mike O`Connor (K.M.O`Connor),
Acronym him, plebs.
SPicy hAM, Mr. Nobel!
SPAM, by Hormel, Inc.
Re: Shimmy-bop clan--
Mealy O.B. R.N. chimps
pry balconies. Hmm.