MIT Mailman User Guide:
Subscriber Email Interface

MIT Mailman

Mailman does have an email interface for subscribers to subscribe, unsubscribe, change password, set options, etc. Users can send email to with the command 'help' in the body to get the complete list description and available commands.

The results of your email command are provided below. Attached is your
original message.

- Results:
Help for Mailman-users mailing list:

This is email command help for version 2.1 of the "Mailman"
list manager. The following describes commands you can send to get
information about and control your subscription to Mailman lists at
this site. A command can be in the subject line or in the body of the

Note that much of the following can also be accomplished via the World
Wide Web, at:

In particular, you can use the Web site to have your password sent to
your delivery address.

List specific commands (subscribe, who, etc) should be sent to the
*-request address for the particular list, e.g. for the 'mailman'
list, use 'mailman-request@...'.

About the descriptions - words in "<>"s signify REQUIRED items and
words in "[]" denote OPTIONAL items. Do not include the "<>"s or
" []"s when you use the commands.

The following commands are valid:

confirm <confirmation-string>
Confirm an action. The confirmation-string is required and should be
supplied with in mailback confirmation notice.

Stop processing commands. Use this if your mail program automatically
adds a signature file.

Print this help message.

Get information about this mailing list.

See a list of the public mailing lists on this GNU Mailman server.

password [<oldpassword> <newpassword>] [address=<address>]
Retrieve or change your password. With no arguments, this returns
your current password. With arguments <oldpassword> and <newpassword>
you can change your password.

If you're posting from an address other than your membership address,
specify your membership address with `address=<address>' (no brackets
around the email address, and no quotes!). Note that in this case the
response is always sent to the subscribed address.

set ...
Set or view your membership options.

Use `set help' (without the quotes) to get a more detailed list of the
options you can change.

Use `set show' (without the quotes) to view your current option

subscribe [password] [digest|nodigest] [address=<address>]
Subscribe to this mailing list. Your password must be given to
unsubscribe or change your options, but if you omit the password, one
will be generated for you. You may be periodically reminded of your

The next argument may be either: `nodigest' or `digest' (no quotes!).
If you wish to subscribe an address other than the address you sent
this request from, you may specify `address=<address>' (no brackets
around the email address, and no quotes!)

unsubscribe [password] [address=<address>]
Unsubscribe from the mailing list. If given, your password must match
your current password. If omitted, a confirmation email will be sent
to the unsubscribing address. If you wish to unsubscribe an address
other than the address you sent this request from, you may specify
`address=<address>' (no brackets around the email address, and no

who password [address=<address>]
See everyone who is on this mailing list. The roster is limited to
list members only, and you must supply your membership password to
retrieve it. If you're posting from an address other than your
membership address, specify your membership address with
`address=<address>' (no brackets around the email address, and no

Commands should be sent to

Questions and concerns for the attention of a person should be sent to

- Done.

MIT Updated May 5, 2003. Copyright © 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Contact to provide feedback on this material.