LSA.128 | The Projection of DP Structure
Richard K. Larson
TR 10:10-11:50
location: 32-141
This course will discuss the syntactic projection of DP from the standpoint of generalized quantifier theory. I argue that, under the latter, the most appropriate analogy is *not* between DP and CP/TP, but rather between DP and VP. Specifically, I suggest that (i) DP can be understood as projecting arguments according to a thematic hierarchy that is parallel (but different in role-content) to that found in VP, (ii) that Ds sort themselves into intransitive, transitive and ditransitive forms, much like Vs, and (iii) that nominal modifiers, including relative clauses and adjectives, project in the DP very much like adverbial elements in VP.
Prerequisites: some basic acquaintance with modern formal semantics would be helpful. |