Paula Fikkert is a researcher at the Radboud University of Nijmegen. Her research focuses on changing lexical representations both during language acquisition and language change. In 1994, she received her Ph.D. at Leiden University for her dissertation On the acquisition of prosodic structure. From 1994-1999, she was a researcher at the University of Konstanz, and returned to the Netherlands as a research fellow of the Royal Dutch Academy of Science. Currently she is leading two research programs: on the acquisition of voicing (with Rene Kager) and on changing phonological representations in the mental lexicon. She has been a guest professor at several universities (including the University of Vienna, the University of Lisbon, the University of TromsØ and the University of Hamburg ). Recent publications include "Acquisition of Phonology," in The First Glot International State-of-the-Article Book (Mouton de Gruyter); (with N. Schiller and C. Levelt) "Stress priming in picture naming: An SOA study," in Brain and Language; and (editor with H. Jacobs) Development in prosodic systems (Mouton de Gruyter).
Acquiring Phonological Representations in the Mental Lexicon | LSA.220
MW 4:50-6:30
Three Week Course | Second Session |