Opoczno, 31 August 1926 To my devoted and most beloved of all beloved nephew and his worthy, beloved wife, Esther Zissman, I have received your letter of August 5, and I am answering it now. In your letter, my devoted one, you make a bit of a comparison between how things were for you formerly and how they are now. I read your letter and note that you do everything in the world in order to provide your uncle with pleasure. Assuredly, my devoted one, you recognize how much pleasure and satisfaction you give me when you write to me that recently you don't feel that you are on as shaky ground as you did in past years because, really, who can better know and understand what it means to work your way up the ladder - to make a life's career - to make progress, than I, your uncle, who have gone through all seven levels of Hell? Life, my devoted one, is an enchanted wheel that turns continuously. But fortunate is that individual who is able to turn along. On the other hand, whoever, chas v'cholilah, is unable to turn along, to keep up, with the wheel is eliminated, broken, ruined, and constantly remains behind, so that when he gets older there is not even a place left for him. At that point, those who are younger, more talented, stronger than he have climbed aboard for the ride. And one who has been thrown off the wheel of the world looks to the heavens and wonders from whence his help will come. Therefore, dear Sol, it delights me to hear that you exert your effort, work very hard it's true, perhaps beyond your capability, and turn along with the wheel of the world. But if, in your youth, you have succeeded in climbing aboard without anyone's help...whoever it might have been...I declare my belief, dear Sol, that you will ride along. Good fortune will now give you momentum so that no one in the world will be in a position, chas v'cholilah, to throw you off. There are enough people around in the world who are not worthy of riding along with the world wheel but, nevertheless, they are aboard. There are also people around who are aboard in their youth, but not in their later years; and those who are just the opposite. It's all because they are unmindful of others and think only of themselves. They undervalue everyone in the world. However, you, my devoted Sol, who realizes better than I and who knows you and your character more thoroughly than I? It's true, I haven't seen you for thirteen or fourteen years. However, I assume that a nephew who extends himself to such an extent for an uncle, who sacrifices so, as you, my devoted one, have sacrificed for me, so there are no words or ideas left for me to express about you. Don't think, Sol, that I am complimenting you because you sent me money. No, more important than all else is your writing, your loyalty, your devotion, your offering yourself for me. Another person in your place would hide, would keep out of sight. And you, my devoted child, are so generous to me and delight me with your dear, worthy letters. And I read your letters and can't satiate myself with them. Not only I, but also my sister and my brother-in-law, Lazer. In fact, one of your letters was sent to New York to an uncle of Lazer, a very wealthy man. The letter should serve as an example of how a nephew writes and conducts himself toward an uncle... It's possible, Sol, that that other man is far wealthier than you as far as money is concerned, but as to being a mensch??? What do you think? I once wrote you that there is a great contrast between those who are menschen and those who are not. I will always speak, and write and read about menschen, but as to those who are not, it's a sin to talk, to write, etc. Dear and devoted Sol, please forgive me for devoting practically this whole letter to one theme, and nothing about everything else. So, the letter is almost ended and there's not a bit of news of Poland. So, I close my letter with heartfelt regards for you, for my dear niece. I can write you that, thank G-d, we are well. Business, thank G-d, is somewhat better. There is work to do, but I enjoy the work. Rifchele, thank G-d, is a bit better, but she is not yet cured. The doctor gave instructions for no school, good care, etc. Joseph, my son, I brought here to me in Opoczno After Succot, G-d willing, I plan to be in Lodz. My wife and daughter, Balcia, and Rifchele and Joseph as well as Aunt Estherl and Uncle Lazer send their heartfelt and loving regards to you and your worthy Esther. Your uncle, Wolf Lewkowicz All material Copyright 1995 by Marshall L. Zissman and Sol J. Zissman.