Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 01:38:12 -0600 From: Darryl Riser Subject: Re: [WRITERS] INT: The eMJay award interviews, par four Three books for a year? Hmmm ... 1: "A Good Day to Die" by Jim Harrison. I've read it a few dozen times and it never fails to be a great read. 2: "Philsophy in the Bedroom, Justine and Other Writings" by the Marquis de Sade. He was actually quite a good philosopher. Too bad the naughty bits got all the attention. :> 3: "The Secret Doctrine" by Madame Blavatsky. Probably not enough time to finish reading it, much less understanding it, but a year would be a nice start. (Would the boxed set including the indexes and "Isis Unveiled" be considered cheating?) Darryl __________________________________________________ "Only sweet-voiced birds are imprisoned. Owls are not kept in cages." -- The Madonna Vampyra __________________________________________________ The Drakhan's Lair: