Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 08:30:00 -0500 From: "the rags of time..." Subject: [WRITERS] INT: The eMJay Award Interviews plead the fifth? [should we refer to the incredible spectacle, exhibition, performance, pageant, carnival, burlesque, farce, satire -- stop him, his thesaurus is running wild again! -- no, better not.] Let us recapitulate. We've considered how you would spend a million dollars, three pieces of advice, what kind of canned food you are, and what three books you would like to spend a year with. Perhaps it is time to focus on the category that you are trying for? So let us construct a scenario. The emjay awards have been given out, and you won the coveted position of mumble-frotz. Congratulations, felicitations (that means rubbing you with raw cats, right?:-) and all that. So tell us -- actually show us if you would using those marvelous skills of the writer -- what happens over the next few months as a result of you being crowned mumble-frotz for a year. How does your life change, how does the list change, and of course how does our life change ("what's in it for me, eh?") Perhaps just a short scene, showing us the great lord mumble-frotz dealing with the little people? [you can't remember the categories? Go to the emjay pages and look at the list... there's a category waiting for you!] "Oh wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us! It wad frae monie a blunder free us, An' foolish notion." Robert Burns tink