Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 23:26:02 -0800 From: Judy Ray Subject: Re: [WRITERS] Toscano for List Italian Mistress M.: >> But everyone's still missing the point. A _true_ curmudgeon would want no >> truck with a contest. True. But everyone knows that the only reason the CURMEDGEONs are competing is to get laid. Some of us write poetry to get laid, others try to wow 'em with cynicism. Whatever works. :) Dr. Wes: >Anthony T. would never complain that a question was pointless. Anthony >T. would heap sneering sarcastic abuse on that question. Then he would >write a poem further exposing the absurdity of that question. But he >would never object to it being pointless, for he knows that everything >is pointless. Everything is pointless, Everybody lies. Everyone is lonely Even you and I. Everyday is dreary, Eventually we're dead. The only thing that matters? How frequently you're laid. J. ------------------------------------------ You start by writing to live. You end by writing so as not to die. Carlos Fuentes, "How I Started to Write"