[last mod, 10/9/97] A collection of various lists related to writing... for web resources related to lists, try: http://www.lsoft.com/lists/listref.html http://www.NeoSoft.com/internet/paml/ http://www.idot.aol.com/mld/production/ http://catalog.com/vivian/interest-group-search.html The Comprehensive Internet Reference to Discussion Lists Literature & Writing http://tile.net/listserv/literature.html John Labovitz's e-zine-list: http://www.meer.net/~johnl/e-zine-list/submit.html America Online's Mailing List Directory: http://www.idot.aol.com/mld/production/ ftp://ftp.aol.com/pub/mailing-lists/ Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists: http://www.NeoSoft.com/internet/paml/answers.html#add The E-Zines Database: http://www.dominis.com/Zines/add.shtml If you know of other writing related lists, please let me know (email mbarker@mit.edu) +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= 19th Century American Women Writers Discussion List List Name: 19CWWW-L List Title: 19th Century American Women Writers Discussion List List Owner or Contact: Tyler M. Steben, 19cwww-l-request@listserv.aol.com To subscribe: Send e-mail to LISTSERV@listserv.aol.com; in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE 19CWWW-L followed by your real name. For example, SUBSCRIBE 19CWWW-L Jane Q. User. Posting Information: Send all articles to 19CWWW-L@listserv.aol.com. This mailing list is "moderated"; that means that one or more human beings monitors the flow of the list traffic and makes an effort to keep conversations topical. While virtually all lists have a set number of topics to which conversations should apply, moderated lists are more strict in their interpretations of the guidelines. To be a good member of a moderated list, do not go outside the topics of the list without first okaying it with the moderator(s). This mailing list is echoed to the USENET newsgroup, aol.lists.19cwww-l. You may find that participating in the list by reading it with the America Online USENET Newsgroups reader will be a more rewarding experience than participating over e-mail. To participate over USENET, use keyword USENET to go to the America Online USENET Newsgroups reader. Then click on the button and supply the newsgroup name aol.lists.19cwww-l when asked. Description: 19CWWW-L is a list for the study and appreciation of the wide and rich variety of 19th century American women writers. Members of the public, students, and faculty members are welcome to engage in dialogue, ask and answer research questions and share resources. The list is also to communicate about The 19th Century American Women Writers Web, an award-winning web site with an electronic text archive and other resources for people in the field. Resources: Related resources are accessible via World Wide Web at http://www.clever.net/19cwww/. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Writing for Children Discussion List List Name: CHILDRENS-WRITING List Title: Writing for Children Discussion List List Owner or Contact: Jon Bard, childrens-writing-approval@lists.mindspring.com To subscribe: Send e-mail to Majordomo@lists.mindspring.com; in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE CHILDRENS-WRITING. Posting Information: Send all articles to CHILDRENS-WRITING@lists.mindspring.com. It is possible to receive the contents of this list as a "digest", a periodic collection of articles from the list traffic. To do so, replace the list name CHILDRENS-WRITING with CHILDRENS-WRITING-DIGEST shown in the subscription line. Description: The list is open to anyone with an interest in writing books or articles for children. The list is sponsored by Children's Book Insider, the newsletter for children's writers. Resources: Related resources are accessible via World Wide Web at http://www.mindspring.com/~cbi/. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Caffeine Induced List For Avant-Garde Writers List Name: ESPRESSO-FICTION List Title: Caffeine Induced List For Avant-Garde Writers List Owner or Contact: Dave Seaman, espresso-fiction-request@home.ease.lsoft.com To subscribe: Send e-mail to LISTSERV@home.ease.lsoft.com; in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE ESPRESSO-FICTION followed by your real name. For example, SUBSCRIBE ESPRESSO-FICTION Jane Q. User. Posting Information: Send all articles to ESPRESSO-FICTION@home.ease.lsoft.com. Description: ESPRESSO-FICTION is not a list where writers share prose about coffee. It is intended as a list for writers to share those imagination buzzes brought on by far too much espresso, latte, cappuccino, or just plain life. What comes from that imagination; anger, fear, lust, social consciousness, desire or joy will also be discussed. Whatever it is that burns in your soul that has to be put down on paper. Writing in the fashion that it was meant to be written, in your own words. The list is not critiqued, unless the author of a submission is begging for it. Those inclined to answer such requests should do so by way of private e-mail. Please don't criticize in front of the group. Strong content is encouraged! Resources: To obtain a list of available file archives, send the command INDEX ESPRESSO-FICTION to LISTSERV@home.ease.lsoft.com. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= FREELANCERS - Freelance Writers, Editors, and Illustrator's Discussion List List Name: List Title: FREELANCERS - Freelance Writers, Editors, and Illustrator's Discussion List List Owner or Contact: Brandi Jasmine, nitefall@idirect.com To subscribe: Send the command SUBSCRIBE FREELANCERS in the subject of a message to nitefall@idirect.com. Posting Information: Send all articles to FREELANC@idirect.com. This mailing list is "edited"; this means that one or more humans must approve all articles for publication. When you submit an article, it is reviewed by a human (or humans) who determine whether or not the article will be distributed to the list. This mailing list is "moderated"; that means that one or more human beings monitors the flow of the list traffic and makes an effort to keep conversations topical. While virtually all lists have a set number of topics to which conversations should apply, moderated lists are more strict in their interpretations of the guidelines. To be a good member of a moderated list, do not go outside the topics of the list without first okaying it with the moderator(s). Description: FREELANCERS is a group dedicated to the discussion of freelance writing as a career choice by professional writers and artists. Through this group we hope to provide a serious networking platform for freelancers. Resources: Related resources are accessible via the World Wide Web at http://web.idirect.com/~bjasmine/lists/. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Writers on the Net Newsletter Distribution List List Name: INKLINGS List Title: Writers on the Net Newsletter Distribution List List Owner or Contact: Debbie Ridpath Ohi, inklinkgs-approval@samurai.com To subscribe: Send e-mail to Majordomo@samurai.com; in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE INKLINGS. Posting Information: This list is read-only; you are not permitted to post articles to the list. This mailing list is "edited"; this means that one or more humans must approve all articles for publication. When you submit an article, it is reviewed by a human (or humans) who determine whether or not the article will be distributed to the list. This mailing list is "moderated"; that means that one or more human beings monitors the flow of the list traffic and makes an effort to keep conversations topical. While virtually all lists have a set number of topics, moderated lists are more strict in their interpretations of the guidelines. To be a good member of a moderated list, do not go outside the topics of the list without first okaying it with the moderator(s). Description: INKLINGS is an e-mail newsletter for writers on the Net. Topics covered are market information, new resources, interviews, writers' tips, profiles, other information. Resources: List archives and related resources are accessible via World Wide Web at http://www.inkspot.com/~ohi/ink/inklings.html. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Magazine Writers Discussion List List Name: MAGWRITE List Title: Magazine Writers Discussion List List Owner or Contact: Amy McBay, magwrite-request@maelstrom.stjohns.edu To subscribe: Send e-mail to LISTSERV@maelstrom.stjohns.edu; in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE MAGWRITE followed by your real name. For example, SUBSCRIBE MAGWRITE Jane Q. User. Posting Information: Send all articles to MAGWRITE@maelstrom.stjohns.edu. Description: Magazine Writers Discussion List is a discussion list created to help freelance magazine writers -- both published and unpublished -- find markets, brainstorm on articles, receive critiques of their work and share their thoughts on all aspects of magazine article writing. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= The Virtual Campfire List Name: NERDNOSH List Title: The Virtual Campfire List Owner or Contact: Timothy Bowden, nerdnosh-approval@story.nerdnosh.org To subscribe: Send e-mail to Majordomo@story.nerdnosh.org; in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE NERDNOSH. Posting Information: Send all articles to NERDNOSH@story.nerdnosh.org. This mailing list is "edited"; this means that one or more humans must approve all articles for publication. When you submit an article, it is reviewed by a human (or humans) who determine whether or not the article will be distributed to the list. Description: NERDNOSH is a community of writers and readers gathered around a virtual campfire. We are somewhere on the continuum between Canterbury Tales and your back fence neighbor. We share our stories in a mailing list, digested daily, with a strong emphasis on the journal, the diary, the true first-person chronicles of what living is like on this planet. Sometimes fiction stories are shared as well, but we are not the Famous Writer's School. The essence of all human enterprise, the ingredient that separates us from other species, is what we are all about. Just as it's told in song, film, opera, cartoon or in your daily newspaper. This list is distributed as a digest only. Resources: List archives are accessible via the World Wide Web at http://www.netins.net/showcase/nerdnosh/. Related resources are accessible via the World Wide Web at http://www.corcom.com/reloj/Nerdnosh.html and http://www.nerdnosh.org/. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Hard-boiled Fiction Discussion List List Name: RARA-AVIS List Title: Hard-boiled Fiction Discussion List List Owner or Contact: William Denton, rara-avis-approval@icomm.ca To subscribe: Send e-mail to Majordomo@icomm.ca; in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE RARA-AVIS. Posting Information: Send all articles to RARA-AVIS@icomm.ca. Description: RARA-AVIS is for the discussion of hard-boiled fiction, in and out of the mystery genre. Possible topics for discussion include: * what is hard-boiled fiction * how does it relate to film noir or the pulps * who's better, Raymond Chandler or Dashiell Hammett * who are the best modern practitioners and do they in fact exist * are there any truly hard-boiled women writers * how does the genre fit into modern literature? Resources: List archives are accessible via the World Wide Web at http://www.vex.net/~buff/rara-avis/. Related resources are accessible via the World Wide Web at http://www.vex.net/~buff/rara-avis/. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= The Real Poetik Mailing List List Name: RPOETIK List Title: The Real Poetik Mailing List List Owner or Contact: Sal Salasin, salasin@wln.com To subscribe: Send e-mail to LISTPROC@wln.com; in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE RPOETIK followed by your real name. For example, SUBSCRIBE RPOETIK Jane Q. User. Posting Information: Send all articles to RPOETIK@wln.com. It is possible to receive the contents of this list as a "digest", a periodic collection of articles from the list traffic. You should receive instructions on how to receive the list digest when you subscribe. If not, you should send a politely-worded inquiry to the list contact. This mailing list is "edited"; this means that one or more humans must approve all articles for publication. When you submit an article, it is reviewed by a human (or humans) who determine whether or not the article will be distributed to the list. This mailing list is "moderated"; that means that one or more human beings monitors the flow of the list traffic and makes an effort to keep conversations topical. While virtually all lists have a set number of topics to which conversations should apply, moderated lists are more strict in their interpretations of the guidelines. To be a good member of a moderated list, do not go outside the topics of the list without first okaying it with the moderator(s). Description: RPOETIK (Real Poetik) is a list available to anyone with an e-mail address on the Internet. As a subscriber, you may submit material for distribution, comment on material previously distributed, poetry, prose, criticism, whatever. What we're looking to publish is the new, the lively, the witty and the exciting in vernacular English. Any mutually comprehensible dialect will do, as long as it represents a vernacular. We are not interested in pornography (unless it's really great pornography), vampire or other genre fiction, or deftly worked little pieces of middle-class, middle-aged angst-at-the-Cote-d'Azure. We're modeling ourselves after little magazines like Exquisite Corpse, New American Writing and Another Chicago Magazine who have shown an openness to new writers and new work, and who are not bound to some weirdly academic/fascist/factional clique of self-promoting hacks. One difference between this and a hard copy little magazine is that it's possible to be more interactive here. So we welcome your comments and criticism of any of the works which appear, and if in the opinion of the editors those opinions, critiques, essays etc., are of general interest, we'll see they also get distributed. Feel real free to write us with such comments. Non-subscribers may contribute by snail mail by sending submissions in ASCII format on disk or diskette to Salasin, 840 W. Nickerson Street #11, Seattle, WA 98119. Resources: List archives and related resources are accessible via the World Wide Web at http://www.wln.com/~salasin/rp.html. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Romance Writer's Discussion List List Name: RW-L List Title: Romance Writer's Discussion List List Owner or Contact: Beth Stegenga, rw-l-request@maelstrom.stjohns.edu; Beverly Morgan, rw-l-request@maelstrom.stjohns.edu To subscribe: Send e-mail to LISTSERV@maelstrom.stjohns.edu; in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE RW-L followed by your real name. For example, SUBSCRIBE RW-L Jane Q. User. Posting Information: Send all articles to RW-L@maelstrom.stjohns.edu. It is possible to receive the contents of this list as a "digest", a periodic collection of articles from the list traffic. After receiving your subscription confirmation, send the command SET RW-L DIGEST to LISTSERV@maelstrom.stjohns.edu. Description: RW-L is a mailing list devoted to the discussion of Romance-genre fiction and the support of this genre's writers. RW-L provides writers, both published and unpublished, male and female, with an open and unmoderated forum to discuss all aspects of the craft and business. Resources: To obtain a list of available file archives, send the command INDEX RW-L to LISTSERV@maelstrom.stjohns.edu. (Available to subscribers only.) List archives are accessible via the World Wide Web at http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/CGI/wa.exe?LIST=RW-L. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Screenwriting Discussion List List Name: SCRNWRIT List Title: Screenwriting Discussion List List Owner or Contact: Jack R. Stanley, scrnwrit-request@listserv.tamu.edu To subscribe: Send e-mail to LISTSERV@listserv.tamu.edu; in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE SCRNWRIT followed by your real name. For example, SUBSCRIBE SCRNWRIT Jane Q. User. Posting Information: Send all articles to SCRNWRIT@listserv.tamu.edu. It is possible to receive the contents of the list as a "digest", a periodic collections of articles from the list traffic. After receiving your subscription confirmation, send the command SET SCRNWRIT DIGEST to LISTSERV@listserv.tamu.edu. Description: SCRNWRIT is an electronic pub for writers. There are upwards of 940 subscribers worldwide who exchange ideas, experiences, frustrations, and encouragements as they make their way through writing scripts, entering contests, seeking agents, and all the experiences of people breaking into screenwriting. This is a busy and active list with 100 + messages per day being common. Resources: To obtain a list of available file archives, send the command INDEX SCRNWRIT to LISTSERV@listserv.tamu.edu. (Available to subscribers only.) Related resources are accessible via Gopher at gopher://gopher.panam.edu:70/11gopher_root12%3a%5b000000%5d and via the World Wide Web at http://www.panam.edu/scrnwrit/. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Thinker List Distribution List List Name: List Title: Thinker List Distribution List List Owner or Contact: Jonathan Rosen, thinkerla@aol.com To subscribe: Send the command SUBSCRIBE THINKER LIST in the subject of a message to thinkerla@aol.com. Please include your real name in the mesasge body. Posting Information: This list is read-only; you are not permitted to post articles to the list. This mailing list is echoed to the USENET newsgroup, rec.arts.poems. You may find that participating in the list by reading it with the America Online USENET Newsgroups reader will be a more rewarding experience than participating over e-mail. To participate over USENET, use keyword USENET to go to the America Online USENET Newsgroups reader. Then click on the button and supply the newsgroup name rec.arts.poems when asked. Description: The Thinker Mailing List is a supplement to "The Thinker." It currently serves as a way for the staff of "The Thinker" to let people know when the next issue is coming out. The list is also used to relay important news and information relating to The Thinker and/or poetry to its readers. The Thinker is a digest dedicated to poetry (and sometimes prose). We are more geared to the student or novice-intermediate writer, but we also have a few more experienced writers. It is published on the WWW and is also distributed hard copy. We try to have a wide spectrum of poetry in every issue of The Thinker and we therefore do not print any one kind of poetry over another. Although we are not a censored digest, we shy away from printing work that contains racial, sexual and/or ethnic slurs. We will print pieces that contain profanity as long as we feel it is not used in excess and that it is used appropriately. Please give our site a visit and see what it is. The authors also love to get comments, so please drop us a line! We place e-mail links to our authors' email addresses so that they can get comments easier. Specific guidelines and information is available on request, though it is posted at our site as well. Resources: File archives and related resources are accessible via World Wide Web at http://members.aol.com/thinkerla/thinker.html. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Discussion List for All Writers List Name: WRITEWAY List Title: Discussion List for All Writers List Owner or Contact: KD Schutte, owner-writeway@userhome.com To subscribe: Send e-mail to Majordomo@userhome.com; in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE WRITEWAY. Posting Information: Send all articles to WRITEWAY@userhome.com. It is possible to receive the contents of this list as a "digest", a periodic collection of articles from the list traffic. To do so, replace the list name WRITEWAY with WRITEWAY-DIGEST shown in the subscription line. Description: WRITEWAY mailing list doesn't say there's only one right way to write; rather it's for writers to discuss the ways they do write. It's a discussion list for writers of any venue to discourse on the inner and outer processes of writing, to get and give help and support, and to exchange market information. The owner is an active member. The only requirements are civility and helpfulness. Resources: To obtain a list of available file archives, send the command INDEX WRITEWAY to Majordomo@userhome.com. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Women Writers and Artists Discussion List List Name: WWA-L List Title: Women Writers and Artists Discussion List List Owner or Contact: Sue Marquette Poremba, wwa-l-request@psuvm.psu.edu To subscribe: Send e-mail to LISTSERV@psuvm.psu.edu; in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE WWA-L followed by your real name. For example, SUBSCRIBE WWA-L Jane Q. User. Posting Information: Send all articles to WWA-L@psuvm.psu.edu. This mailing list is "moderated"; that means that one or more human beings monitors the flow of the list traffic and makes an effort to keep conversations topical. While virtually all lists have a set number of topics, moderated lists are more strict in their interpretations of the guidelines. To be a good member of a moderated list, do not go outside the topics of the list without first okaying it with the moderator(s). Description: WWA-L (Women Writers and Artists) is a list for creative women who would like to connect with other creative women in an intimate setting. We want to keep the list on the small side with active participants. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Desire Street, New Orleans Poetry Forum's Monthly Electronic Magazine List Name: List Title: Desire Street, New Orleans Poetry Forum's Monthly Electronic Magazine List Owner or Contact: Robert Menuet, robmenuet@aol.com To subscribe: Send e-mail to desire-request@sstar.com; in the subject of the message, type SUBSCRIBE. Posting Information: This list is read-only; you are not permitted to post articles to the list. This mailing list is "moderated"; that means that one or more human beings monitors the flow of the list traffic and makes an effort to keep conversations topical. While virtually all lists have a set number of topics to which conversations should apply, moderated lists are more strict in their interpretations of the guidelines. To be a good member of a moderated list, do not go outside the topics of the list without first okaying it with the moderator(s). Description: Desire Street is the first electronic magazine published by an established group of poets, The New Orleans Poetry Forum. Many of its current and past participants are published poets and experienced readers at universities and coffeehouses wolrdwide. One member, Yusef Kounyakaa, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for 1994. The New Orleans Poetry Forum, a non-profit organization, was founded in 1971 to provide a structure for organized readings and workshops. Poets meet weekly in a pleasant atmosphere to critique works presented for the purpose of developing the writing skills of the presenters. About 12 poems are published in separate messages on a monthly basis. Poems presented at the New Orleans Poetry Forum are eligible for inclusion. Although many poems have themes related to New Orleans, all topics are represented in Desire Street. Most poems are in free verse. The premier issue included works such as: * Bogue Chitto River * Bourbon Street Blitz * As You Desire Me * Double Vision * Drinking Litany * Mardi Gras is Coming * Season of the Crane, I * Season of the Crane, II * Who Is This Bitch Wolf? and others. Works from Desire Street are also cross-posted to the Usenet newsgroups rec.arts.poems and alt.ezines. Resources: List archives are accessible via FTP at ftp://ftp.etext.org/pub/Zines/DesireStreet/ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Discussions and Stories About Creatures of the Night List Name: NIGHTSTALKERS List Title: Discussions and Stories About Creatures of the Night List Owner or Contact: DJ Lowery, nightstalkers-approval@facteur.std.com; A. E. Fraser, nightstalkers-approval@facteur.std.com; D. Knox, nightstalkers-approval@facteur.std.com To subscribe: Send e-mail to Majordomo@facteur.std.com; in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE NIGHTSTALKERS. Posting Information: Information on where to send articles will be provided upon subscribing. It is possible to receive the contents of this list as a "digest", a periodic collection of articles from the list traffic. To do so, replace the list name NIGHTSTALKERS with NIGHTSTALKERS-DIGEST shown in the subscription line. Description: NIGHTSTALKERS was created to discuss topics of the night. The topics will range from vampires and werewolves, to phases of the moon and things that go bump in the night. We encourage you to submit original fiction and poetry. Discussions will range from the serious to the light-hearted. Resources: Related resources are accessible via World Wide Web at http://world.std.com/~chaotic/ and http://www.iland.net/~chaos/. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= The Fiction Writers Workshop Discussion List List Name: WRITING List Title: The Fiction Writers Workshop Discussion List List Owner or Contact: Lani Kraus, writing-request@psuvm.psu.edu To subscribe: Send e-mail to LISTSERV@psuvm.psu.edu; in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE WRITING followed by your real name. For example, SUBSCRIBE WRITING Jane Q. User. Posting Information: Send all articles to WRITING@psuvm.psu.edu. It is possible to receive the contents of the list as a "digest", a periodic collections of articles from the list traffic. After receiving your subscription confirmation, send the command SET WRITING DIGEST to LISTSERV@psuvm.psu.edu. Description: The list exists for two primary purposes: * To give people interested in writing professionally a support group of peers for where information can be shared and discussions of the task of writing can be carried on. Includes subgroups for fiction, non-fiction, children's literature, poetry, scripts, nature writing, and novels. * To create an environment where Works In Progress can be passed around and criticized so that the author can find the weak spots and polish the manuscript into a sellable work. Resources: Related resources are accessible via World Wide Web at http://members.aol.com/writewkshp/index.html. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= SFnF-Writers Contact: SFnF-Writers-Request@zorch.sf-bay.org Purpose: For discussion of topics related to writing science fiction and fantasy. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Imagination Discussion List Contact: majordomo@buec.ee.boun.edu.tr Purpose: A discussion list for anyone who wants to explore his/her imagination. Come and meet with interesting people join the creature of Imagination E-Journal and be a part of exciting activities like cooperative story writing and poem games. http://www.wvmccd.cc.ca.us/wvc/library/av/leman/imagination.html http://www.busim.ee.boun.edu.tr/imagination/ To subscribe, send email to majordomo@buec.ee.boun.edu.tr and in the body of the message, put subscribe imagination List owner: beyret@turkuaz.ee.boun.edu.tr (Ersin Beyret) +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= spoon Contact: owner-spoon@bluemarble.net Purpose: Drop by the Spoon for a cup of coffee and a story when you get a chance. We're here to share stories about our lives, about our travels, about the people we come across. For more information, send email to majordomo@bluemarble.net and in the body of the message, put INFO SPOON To subscribe, send email to majordomo@bluemarble.net and in the body of the message, put SUBSCRIBE SPOON List owner: modes@kiva.net (Wes Modes) +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 21:34:27 -0500 From: Rob Carlson To: NEW-LIST@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU Subject: NEW: Writers - Writing miscellanea WRITERS on server@cola.castle.net Writers Established in February of 1996, Writers has been a small group trying to stay on the topic of writing, now looking for some new "voices" to add to the mix. All are welcome. To join, send an email to server@cola.castle.net with any subject, and the first line of the message should be: join writers List-operator: JoAnne Schmitz Owner: Rob Carlson Editor's Note: There is another, older list called WRITERS on LISTSERV@MITVMA.BITNET but other than the topic and name I don't know of any connection. mgh. (and a bit of commentary) Date: Mon, 4 Aug 1997 23:35:25 -0400 (EDT) From: JoAnne Schmitz Subject: Re: NEW: Writers - Writing miscellanea (fwd) Hi Mike, sorry to be so long in responding to you, Our list has been around for a while, as the announcement says, but it's been a bit slow. That's why we sent our info to the list of lists. We bill ourselves as "writers trying to stay on topic about writing" and, while not all our writers are paid writers, most of us are published to some degree (I'm probably the bottom of the heap, but I'm the technological person so I don't panic when the list does something odd). People will get off track and there's no need to panic about it, but we don't want to be a happy fun chat list with all cheerleaders and no coaches. We allow criticism of posted works. If I get enough time after all the invalid addresses get sorted out I'll probably be doing some of that (licking chops in anticipation). We started from members of the RIMEnet Writers' echo, sort of a more businesslike but more lethargic spinoff. Thank you for the good wishes, JoAnne +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 22:27:23 -0500 From: jason carr To: NEW-LIST@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU Subject: NEW,CHANGE: deviants - bizarre news and discussion deviants on majordomo@mousetrap.net Deviants discussion "The workings of the Great Wok and all things deviant from accepted social norm are discussed here. Occasionally disgusting, but not always, it is the home of ranting, experimental reports, news clippings and other related items. Medical curiosities, cults, murders and other phenomena are well in place here." The original Deves list out of csv.warwick.ac.uk served well the purpose of keeping weirdos like us off the streets, safely typing away at the keyboard. The plug will be pulled in Aug-Sep 1997 (from what we hear) and so we'll be gravitating over here. In Loving Memory of Father Mike. RIP, YMMV, FWIW, et cetera. You can obtain additional information on this list by sending the command INFO DEVIANTS in the BODY of e-mail to majordomo@mousetrap.net To subscribe, send the following command in the BODY of mail to majordomo@mousetrap.net SUBSCRIBE DEVIANTS Owner: Romulus OWNER-DEVIANTS@MOUSETRAP.NET You may also see the list's website: http://www.mousetrap.net/~mouse/deviants/ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= List Name: CREWRT-L@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU Subscription Address: LISTSERV@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU Owner: Eric Crump Last Update: 10/12/91 Description: This list is a place to discuss how and why creative writing is being taught at colleges and universities, including the role it plays in the curriculum, the history of creative writing programs, the shape and flavor of creative writing courses, and the influence it has or should have on students' lives. Any teacher who has ever taught a creative writing course (poetry or fiction) and any student who has ever taken such a course should feel welcome to participate. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= List Name: FICTION@PSUVM.PSU.EDU Subscription Address: LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU Owner: Chris Conn Last Update: 3/14/93 Description: This list is the Fiction Writers Workshop. The list exists for two primary purposes: To give people interested in writing fiction professionally a support group of peers for where information can be shared and discussions of the task of writing can be carried on. To create an environment where Works In Progress can be passed around and criticized so that the author can find the weak spots and polish the manuscript into a sellable work. The group has handled mostly Science Fiction, Fantasy, and related genres, but is not restricted to them. Membership is open to anyone who has in interest in writing fiction regardless of previous experience or published/unpublished status. Members must be prepared to regularly contribute either by critiquing the work of others or presenting work for critique. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= List Title: GOTHIC-L List Name: gothic-l Subscription Address: majordomo@sic.cc.il.us Owner: Lady Mystique Vrydolakk Last Update: 01/08/97 Description: This is a list that is dedicated to the discussion of Vampires, Lycanthropy, Dieties, Mythology, Movie and Book Reviews, V-Parties, Religion, Gothic related issues, fictional writing and the workshopping of other member's works of stories & poetry. Aside of that, anything related to the darker side of life is open for discussion! +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= List Title: Painted Rock Writers List Name: prock@mail-list.com Subscription Address: prock-on@mail-list.com Owner: Carmel Thomaston Last Update: 01/17/97 Description: Prock is sponsored by Painted Rock Writers and Readers Colony at http://www.paintedrock.com/ It is for unpublished writers in fiction and non-fiction, writers published in short fiction or articles, reviewers, readers, agents, authors and others interested. Discussions on writing techniques, market news, sharing of brief excerpts from works in progress. Separate list for published authors called prock-authors. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= List Title: Mortuary Mailing List List Name: Mortuary Subscription Address: wmg47005@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu Owner: Wendy Gresh Last Update: 02/22/97 Description: A list for dark literature. We do writing workshops, exercises, joint stories and poetry, etc. Please ref. website: http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~wmg47005/mortuary.html +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= List Title: Writing List Name: Writeway@UserHome.com Subscription Address: Writeway@UserHome.com Owner: Kd Schutte Last Update: 05/29/97 Description: A discussion group for professional writers of wide experience range, especially for those working in more than one venue. Offers market info, opportunities, news, chat, brainstorming, more. Not moderated but owner is active member. Formed May 28th,l997. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= List Title: Children's Writing List Name: childrens-writing Subscription Address: majordomo@lists.mindspring.com Owner: Jon Bard Last Update: 08/05/97 Description: Dedicated to the discussion of writing and illustrating children's books and stories. Created and sponsored by Children's Book Insider, the newsletter for children's writers. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= CYBERSCRIBERS@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM mail listserv@home.easy.lsoft.com with subscribe cyberscribers URL: http://home.att.net/~johnpmcwilliams/cyberscribers/ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ESPRESSO-FICTION@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM mail listserv@home.ease.lsoft.com with subscribe espresso-fiction (be careful--I kept trying expresso and getting nothing) Espresso-Fiction on LISTSERV@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM Caffeine induced list for avant-garde writers. Espresso-Fiction is not a list where writers share their prose about coffee. This is where we write about how we have those imagination buzzes brought on by far to much espresso...lahte...cappuccino, or just plain life. And what comes from that imagination... Anger, fear, lust, social conciousness, desire, joy. Whatever it is that burns in your soul that just has to be put down on paper. In the fashion that it was meant to be written. Your words. So we don't critique here, unless the author of a submission is just begging for it. Dying to here what the group thinks. It is also appreciated if such request where answered, from those inclined to do so, by way of private e-mail. In other words...don't criticize in front of the group, and flames will be imediately extinguished The list is unmodersted and uncensored. Editing will not be tolerated. Give us your raw, unadulterated text. There is no rating system. Strong content is encouraged! Archives of Espresso-Fiction mail items are kept in monthly files. You may obtain a list files in the archives by sending the command: INDEX ESPRESSO-FICTION in the BODY of e-mail to LISTSERV@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM To subscribe, send the following command in the BODY of mail to LISTSERV@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM SUBSCRIBE ESPRESSO-FICTION yourfirstname yourlastname For example: SUBSCRIBE ESPRESSO-FICTION VICTOR HUGO Owner: Dave Seaman dseaman@prairienet.org +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= HORRORWRITERS@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU HorrorWriters List name: HORRORWRITERS Host name: MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU Subscribers: 15 Features: Spam filter Hands free bounce processing Archives Web archive interface Digests (with MIME support) Indexes Database functions High Performance version To subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU with the command (paste it!): SUBSCRIBE HORRORWRITERS For more information, you can: Contact the list owner at HORRORWRITERS-request@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=