>>> Item number 6327 from WRITERS LOG9211D --- (58 records) ------ <<< Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1992 11:13:44 JST Reply-To: WRITERS Sender: WRITERS From: Mike Barker Subject: submission: poem (giving it the benefit of the doubt:-) I don't do much poetry (it's too hard), and I almost never let people see it (I been housebroke for a while now). However, given some of the recent talk about handling ideas, I thought I'd share this one with you. (any of you budding - or fullgrown - poets care to explain how you get the reader to feel the rhythms and pacing you want the words to have? punctuation and arrangement on the page feel so weak compared to the spoken version.) enough already, on with the ploy of bards mike ----------- poem part starts here --------- another writer's lament unborn children of my mind crouch ghostly gargoyles festering waiting for the moment when they pounce gouging and scratching, sucking life from tiny veins, grafting twisted wings to tiny quaking shoulders! dragging flights of fancy to another end in their dusty embrace. yet in the shadows these scabrous souldiers squat and gibber over aged tales of wonder mildewed plots of greenest pastures lending strength, adding glitter, feeding still another wondering wandering babe to birth. --