>>> Item number 34888 from WRITERS LOG9408A --- (68 records) ----- <<< Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 18:35:02 JST Reply-To: WRITERS Sender: WRITERS From: Mike Barker Subject: SUB: On The Spur of the Moment (UNGRAPHIC) [WARNING: Contains mental graffiti and other static. Should not be read for seriousness.] a quirkily farced draft for your confusion. critiques and so froth not really necessary, unless you just are so moved... tink -------------------------------------------- On The Spur of the Moment Copyright 1994 Mike Barker As seen from the womb with a view, the fuzz on his back grew dewy with droplets squirted from clouds poked and torn by his widespread horns. He was a texas longhorn bull who trumpeted with outrage as he clawed holes in the prairie. His hair was sparse, a tight coat almost unseen except for the dust caught on it. He yanked his head up again, speared another cloud, then twisted and tore the lap of the storm, and tweaked the rain into a hard, solid downpour rarely seen in those parts. Congress considered the report of a skyscraping bull ludicrous, and inserted their collective head further into an orifice carefully erected in the local mud. The rains poured down, stripping the illusions from the rest of us. Some retched as the reality of the situation toppled those comfortable myths of a rational cosmos, tearing gaps in the logical framework, letting in the strange light of another kind of universe. In a small stable, a goose laid golden eggs on the 7 o'clock news. Members of congress stirred feebly, but decided to stick to the Federal Reserves no matter what a rump meeting might suggest. And in the heart of England, the prong of a sword was found bound in a stone. The BBC showed the child who had discovered the miraculous saber trying to free it. The child's hand throbbed and burned as he tugged futilely at the naked blade standing above the stone. Then on international live coverage, the waters boiled and she stepped forth, clad in glory. Live around the world, people watched as the Lady of the Lake whispered in his ear. The hot tears stood in his eyelashes as he leaned down, carefully, cautiously, and shaved the Barber of Seville with the unmoving sword. Miraculously clean shaven was that chin. Seven out of ten viewers agreed that not even Occam's razor shaved that fine. As the world tottered and spun, mountains wavering and uncertain, the canoe of the gods cleaved the uncertain reality of the scene. A willow tree served as a paddle for those giants pushing the canoe where Congress still trembled, and the great worm Ourobus loosed its tail and struck out as they passed. And that was just in the ending! When the earth moved. And love was young again. Yesterday. -------------------------------------------------------- torn from what the don don said (smutty, smutty, in your eyes!): - PS: WOMB. FUZZ. SQUIRT. POKE. BULL. HAIR. YANK. LAP. TWEAK. HARD. CONGRESS. - ORIFICE. STRIP. RETCH. GOOSE. MEMBER. RUMP. PRONG. THROB. SHAVE. CANOE. I'll have you know I had to read this list several times to figure out why you posted it. sorry, some of us are innocent... [and I stole the beginning from Randy! thanks, randy!] wild tink