From: the saurus wins! Subject: SUB: A Little Snowfall (Feb. 21st, 1995) Tuesday morning memories...I think you'll like it... (glad to see you all made it. anyone missing?) tink +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= A Little Snowfall Copyright 1995 Mike Barker The morning was bright, with that pearly luminescence created by a thin layer of clouds holding back the early sunshine for just a few moments. It was so bright that I sneezed and rubbed at watering eyes as I stepped into the street. And then I smiled. For in those few moments--in the air that nipped at nose and fingers-- into that strange brightness with a whiss and a shiss and a gliss and a gloss so fine, bringing wrinkles of joy to these surprised eyes, they came. The will o'the wisps. Ethereal wraiths. A horde of the tiniest imps and fays and sprites and pixies and nixies and sylphs you never saw all came. They danced on the air, with fine sprays of white sliced free by their skates, as they spun and they dashed and they hummed in the morn. I turned and turned, feeling the lick of their airy kisses, the tiny patter of miniscule hands caressing my cheeks with snowy down feathers, the silvery laughter at the dancing human caught in their spells. And I laughed with them, for it never matters how well he dances, just that he dances at all... They performed for me, and it was glorious. By the time I walked to work, the clouds were gone, the dusting of eldritch morning snow already melted away. Except in my memories, where the skates still sing. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=