Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 17:05:34 EDT From: Alphabet Brand Subject: SUB, POEM: Rutabaga Dreaming (rather silly) Comments: To: the playroom tee hee, toe hoe, and here we go... tink +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Rutabaga Dreaming (rather silly) copyright 1995 mike barker oh, the tapir and the ring-tailed lemur too (such friendsies) set out one fine Madagascar day to prey (on their neesies) for a poor little rutabaga stirred up some whirr (buzz, click, purr) but they never had a chance, for strained to say (or red, too) the great rutabaga hid all fry in wards of her (in sides!) and the tapir and the ring-tailed lemur roo (lemur racks!) the day they drew the loin on this play... (unconscious ketched?) dadeedah-dadeedah-dadeedahdeedahdeedah while the swedish turnips hide their weenie heads, (no franks) deep in the dirt where the rutabaga's growl (swing low!) down where the meathead gums "Stifle yourself" (archie bold!) and the roast rainbow sours shangri-la deedah (deep in the tibet molehills) as the french poodle dances melancholy on a mirrored ball (spotlit) somewhere out there below the lost horizons of the hilltones (no motels) blah! +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=