Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 12:23:40 EDT From: tink rides again Organization: "de bait, de taunt, de flate" Subject: SUB: 'Studs on the Internet' a parity, a pear of tea, a pair o' ... you got a full house? I'll fold underwear. on wit the shew! tink (somewhat reduced from the original--I couldn't bear to stretch it out that long or wander that far afield... by the by, this is based on work by Len Johnston, although he deserves none of the blame for your brittle laughter) +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Light Bulbs and Men or Why the InterNet Burns Look around you. Point out the things you are absolutely certain were invented or made by men. You can see nothing? Yet men comprise fifty percent of the population! (admittedly, it is the lower half, but what can one expect from anyone handicapped since childhood by peter pulling and loose balls?) The reason for this apparent anomaly lies buried forever in the romantic mists of evolution. However, lacking any good reason, I offer this foghorn blast of illogic to part the mists. First, let me assert that women came to use the side of the brain that uses logic to outwit the animals they lived with. This overuse of one side of the brain, in turn, led to tool making. We will probably never know whether the first tool women made was the rock, used to quiet the ugly beasts by applying it to their thick skulls, or the stick, used to make the snoring fools roll over, but it is clear beyond any need for evidence that women were the first tool makers. (Incidentally, this side of the brain is better known among the feminist cogniscenti as the top side, which has given rise to certain jokes about just who's on top. But we must avoid being distracted by a shapely cerebral cortex right now, and forge ahead with a paean of undeserved praise for the intercession of tool making in everyday lies.:-) Tool making! That incredible advance beyond the animals, and certainly beyond the capabilities of mere men, which after a long hard battle to overcome the handicap of life with men eventually allowed women to build, bully, and beguile men into putting up with the fantastic technology of today. It will, of course, in time build the technology of tomorrow (toilets with automatic seat putter-downers! kitchen magic machines that slice, dice, and wash--with men using them! and, yes, even a way for men to gripe in large numbers while scratching themselves in private). Second, I assert that men, hopefully after having washed their hands, tend to use the other side of the brain when forced to scratch their heads and do something with the space between their hairy ears. This lower side, naturally, is the social side of the brain. Look at any street corner gang, and you will see primitive man continues untouched today. Unwashed as well. (perhaps the untouchableness of the oafs comes from their unwashed state of grime? no, that would be too dirty to touch...bad punishment beyond even my wordy self:-) It is, then, men who shape our society. They are not concerned with petty things like tool making; they have more important work to do like bullshitting and holding meetings. They are the ones who give us our sense of values, our social laws. They hold the family together with an iron belt. Men are the great communicators. Look in your garages. Look in the bars, the street corners, anywhere that men hang out. It is there you will find man's contribution to our society, not in the bookcases. Men use language to grunt and avoid work. Women use it to try to get something done. You will not find women arguing about who stripped the nut while twisting the bolt the wrong way. They simply go out and get a new nut. Men gripe. They talk about their fantasies of women. They lie to each other a great deal about abstractions which have no referents in the real world. They even lie about concrete realities, like how big fish are, and how long five inches is. Shall we blame all this on the lumpish ganglion so often found in men, or on the ventricles, meninges, medulla obbligato, pons deferens, cerebellum and antebellum, excited reticular deformations, thalamussed, hyperthalamussy, and cerebrum cerebrating wildly to the shock-shock-schlock of the falling keys which the finer sensibilities of the women engage? One hardly knows which nerves to blame for what, does one? I'm speaking generally of course. It is obvious there are men who are almost as capable as any woman with a hammer and there are women who are handicapped with many of the attributes of the inferior sex. Nature wastes nothing, certainly not the reasoning power of half of the population. Men do a fine job of that by themselves. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=