
Mehrdad Ghadiri

Postdoctoral Associate at MIT LIDS/IDSS/ORC

CV/Resume, DBLP, Google Scholar
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About me

I am a postdoctoral associate at MIT where I am very fortunate to be advised by Ali Jadbabie. I received my Ph.D. in the multidisciplinary program Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization / Computer Science (ACO/CS) at Georgia Tech. I was very fortunate to be advised by Santosh Vempala. I have completed my M.Sc. in Computer Science at the University of British Columbia, under supervision of Bruce Shepherd and Mark Schmidt. Previously, I received my B.Sc. in Computer Engineering Department from Sharif University of Technology.
My research has been recognized by several awards including INFORMS George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award (Honorable Mention), Georgia Tech's Sigma Xi Best Ph.D. Thesis Award , Georgia Tech's College of Computing Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, and Borealis AI Global Fellowship Award.

Research Interests

Work Experience


Awards and Honors

Journal Publications

Conference Publications (Peer-Reviewed)

Working Papers

