Due to MIT’s response policy to COVID-19, all activities will be held on Zoom until further notice.
Upcoming Events
If you have an MIT email address or are invited by a community member, you may subscribe to the
dharma mailing list to receive updates. Non-MIT affiliates may want to look into the
Bodhimarga online study group, or the wider
Prajnopaya Institute organization.
See the website for schedule and speakers.
Venue: Video conference; see the website for online registration.
“Meditation(s)” is a series of virtual talks and conversations with invited contemplative practitioners. Our hope is to explore the depth and diversity of meditation practices beyond what appears in popular culture. While we celebrate the “utilitarian” focus on meditation techniques resulting in effects from wellbeing to performance enhancement, our hope for this series is to illuminate the audience on the original intent of such practices, aiming for alleviation of suffering, bliss, and freedom.
Initial speakers include Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Sharon Salzberg, Robert Thurman, and Bhikkhu Bodhi.
Click here to see the speaker list and schedule, and to register.
Regular Activities
Cyberspace guided meditation with Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi
Schedule TBD
Currently planned schedule: March 24, 4pm ET (1pm PT)
Venue: Go here to register.
Join us for a guided meditation.
Protocol for meditation sessions:
- Join the session a few minutes prior to the actual start time.
- Find a quiet and comfortable place to join/call from.
- Meditation sessions are generally silent, except during guided sessions when the instruction will speak.
- Please no Q&A unless the instructor has specifically asked for it.
Prajnopaya (Off-Campus) Activities
Traditional Teachings and Meditation Retreats led by Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi are held on certain Saturdays and Sundays. Please visit to check the schedule.
Interesting Links
- Videos from the Dalai Lama's visit in October 2012 can be found here and here.
- The Buddhist Community now has a Library of Buddhist books. Stop by before or after the Thursday meditation to discuss borrowing.
- The Benefits of Meditation, from the MIT News Office, about MIT and Harvard researchers finding a neurological benefit to meditation.
- The Campus Chapel as an Interfaith Laboratory, in the Chronicle of Higher Education: The White House encourages colleges to bring religious communities together for interfaith services and conversation.
- New links on our Media Gallery page!
Programs supported in part by the Office of Religious, Spiritual, and Ethical Life (MIT); Dean of Student Life (MIT); and Prajnopaya. On-campus activities sponsored by MIT GSC via the Buddhist Students Club.