Session 114

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 4 Day 41 TE 6060

On to the fifth trial:

We approach a glowing circle on the ground. A voice calls out, "Choose the form of the destroyer!" Oathar, Alynna, and Haeraan call out pirates, lugraki and undead, while Imre says Demons. Kyrik keeps his mind a complete blank! Nothing happens. Oathar examines the circle and decides it won't do anything until someone gets into it. Haeraan steps forwards and suddenly we are all transported to the infinite grey planes of combat, where four of us seem to be battling four identical Haeraans.

Haeraan begins the combat by having at least three of his guys cast command and we start trying to kill Imre. It gets worse from there. Yeah, pretty much worse. Lot's of worse. Sniff. Eventually, Imre, and Oathar are down, Tradewind and Monko are down, Kyrik is driven off into hiding, one of the Haeraan's is down, but Alynna is the mind slave of the rest of the Haeraans. A draw is called.

All are healed back to full.

On to the sixth trial:

The mechanic from hell: FOOTBALL

We get six additional linemen. We play against 11 bad guys. We play football.

Opponents always play a 4/3 defense unless we put 4 receivers downfield.

No kicking. Always start on your own 20. Touchdowns are 7.

A play lasts 1 minute, or 30 in the no huddle offense. Each person can cast 1 spell between plays.

On offense:

  • 5 downlinemen and a tight end. We need a QB, backs, receivers and maybe a TE.
  • We pick a play, deep pass, short pass, inside run, outside run.
  • Defense guesses play. +10 on rolls exact, 0 for type, +5 to offense for wrong type.
  • QB takes the snap (center (fumble on 01 or 02 QB can drop into pocket or dump it.) or shotgun(fumble 01 to 05 but then gets action.)
  • Offensive and defensive lines make rolls with offense +10 for each extra blocker.
  • If either side wins by 50 or more something happens.
  • QB makes skill roll on his initiative (Thrown weapon or spell)
  • Defender tries to intervene with roll
  • Receiver gets a roll 3*Ag >50
  • Run with the ball. Melee! Stun results stop the play.
  • ...

(It gets pretty complicated from there on in. Pesky rules to be written up by the GM.)

Next time!