Session 117

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 4 Day 41 TE 6060


The Final Trial: An Althan Battle Mech

We use our crystal of living and dying together. Yarrr! We attack! So does it! Oh the brutality!

He strafes any group of us so we try and keep him surrounded, but his foolish jump jets keeps getting him to range.

Much death. Much destruction. Eventually, the behemoth falls.

Haeraan pulls out the multifaceted cylinder of his desire. Cool. He pushes it into the morning star. The morningstar flares and Haeraan realizes that his morningstar glows always. Also, permanently holy, casts Repel Undead XX or Repel Demon V, the diamand power core is where Haeraan's soul now resides. If he's separated from it by more than 100 ft, it as if he's absolved. Also, the morning star can cast body sheath, (using his power points).

Oathar pulls out a chunk of laen the size of his forearm. Oathar has to be forcibly dragged from the pillar. "Um guys, the battle mech is waking up... Can you deal with him while I explore the pillar some more?"

Having completed the quest, we go back to 2 fate points. We get our 30 pacman dev points. Laen is worth 10,000 orlini or enough for a laen sword/staff/etc.