Session 152

In which our heroes ...


Orhan 4 Day 70 TE 6061

They take us to the camp in the small village of Yavin. The council of the rebel alliance includes Prince Kevenna, General Terrin, and a shaman named Mystral.

Luckily the prince recognized Kyrik. The prince tells us of the Empire's new weapon. We must destroy it before it becomes fully activated. Secondly, the Lankani army is centrally controlled. We should be able to get several spies into their command structure and send orders to make them attack south. We need to escort the spies to the Lankani border.

But first, we must be inducted into the tribe. To get into the tribe, we must pass the five tests of manhood. Even the pregnant woman.

The test of strength, the test of faith, the test of resiliance, the test of the mind, the final test.

Newmoon starts by taking the test of resiliance (endurance). He must walk down a path flanked by warriors and chanting shamen. The shamen do him about oh, most of his hit points. Then the warriors start beating on him. He survives with a couple of hit points left.

Next, brother elk takes the test of strength. He's not really so strong, but makes a good try of it. He survives the first half just barely, and has great troubles. He ties the fifth of six guys. But in the end, he wins.

Next, Sand takes the test of faith. He debates the tribe's animists with his faith in Neela. They fall before him.

Then, Gil begins the test of the mind. She talks about circles, artifacts, and planes. They are defeated!

Finally, Kyrik himself takes the final challenge! He demonstrates his prowess in:

  • Mounted Combat
  • Region Lore: Kulthea
  • Adrenal Speed
  • Spell Mastery: Will of the Warrior
  • Two Handed Sword
  • Horseback Riding

Yay! We are now part of the tribe.

The believe their new doomsday weapon is undergoing final tests about ten miles from here. It's a large oddly shaped metal sphere. It floats in the air just above the ground. A number of fighters must attack the sphere, distracting it while we go inside and try to disable it. (It's the size of a small keep.) At the center is supposedly some sort of power source. It fires a beam of death that destroys all it touches.

As a crack suicide squad, we go to the pre-attack briefing. It's quite predictable.

Orhan 5 Day 1 TE 6061

We set off for the battlestati....sphere. As we approach we see a bright red sphere that glows with maelevolence. As we approach, some of the people on the ground get vaporized by the great eye on one side.

We fly in to portal in from above. We find a small exhaust port just below the main port and go in that way instead. there's some problems with various phobia's but we manage eventually.

We discover an elevator shaft, but sadly we recognize these things not, so get imperiled as the elevator car comes for us. We kill those riding it, and then protal through it and travel down. We find a door that has the words "restricted access".

We enter, and a hundred guys turn our way and start casting at us. There's an eerie glow coming from the center of the vast room. We fight!

We manage to clear out the guards near the door of the room, but as our eye adjust to the light we see the vast hordes beyond preparing to charge.