In which our heroes set up the massive Santa Vallandran
Trade Empire...
Orhan 2 Day 24 TE 6062
The Order of the Stick returns. The Hutarn said that he didn't think
he'd need to move the treasury any time soon. They also deliver to us
a hand signed invitation from the HuTarn. Oathar tells them to look him
up next time they come back to town to sell stuff.
Haeraan investigates dreams in an attempt to identify people who have
his order's rings, (which can cast dream). Eventually he casts dreams
Are people with his orders artifacts around: "He sees a tree with
birds nesting in the tree. Sparrows and robins and cardinals and a big
black crow down near the bottom. More birds and another big black crow.
Every so often there's a big black crow, like half a dozen total. Up top
there is an eagle at the top of the tree. Near the eagle is a large big
black crow."
Do they know about him: "Wandering around the travelling cavalcade
of wonder. Wandering into a tent is a hall of mirrors. All these people
are wandering around in the hall. He sees images of different people.
Lot's of people wander around. Some of them come around and stare at him,
others walk away... But it's not clear if they are real or not."
How corrupt are they: "Creepy. An image of a body lying on the ground.
Underneath it are squirming things. This dream is not OK."
Orhan 2 Day 27 TE 6062
The mutual fund buys the Smiling Mermaid and Oathar is shocked to discover
(after the fact) that it's actually a secret brothel. Many party negotiations
later, we decide to keep the place, thought Haeraan's part of the profits
go to an orphanage.
Orhan 2 Day 28 TE 6062
We hear that several ships have tried making the run to Zinvar now that
Oathar's ship made it. Gah. Oathar tries to tell everyone it's totally
dangerous. Even he won't go there.
The wicked witch of the swamp of Norek (Imre-mom) has claimed her 1000th
The Emporer of Rakhan's birthday is in two weeks.
Oathar investigates various accounting practices...
Imre has all of the safes and secret panels in the house moved around
now that we're not being spied upon.
Kyrik decides to go check out the Smoke and Mirrors to see if they really
do have one of the fabled wind flutes of Foleenn.
En route to the shop, Haeraan detects a member of his order via his ring.
A large comedy of errors later, the person eludes us before we can identify
Arriving at the shop, we find it is run by a Loar alchemist. He sells
lot's of great stuff. Imre talks around him for a while until he tells
us about the flute. It's apparently a navigational aid. Imre confirms
it is indeed a Wind Flute of Folenn and we buy it for 1500 gold.
We prepare for a major trip to Folenn. Kyrik briefs us on the many dangers
of Folenn. Oathar wonders where the riches night be for the continent.