In which our heroes ...
Orhan 3 Day 24 TE 6062
Drunken Beetle Riding Through the Sands of Death!!
We make it through!
Orhan 3 Day 25 TE 6062
Crossing into the deep dessert we notice an oasis in the distance. We
approach. The water seems clear and cool. Haeraan scans the past for 19
months and finds three significant events. Most recently, five tall humanoid
figures dressed in glittering crystaline armor standing around. The event
before that has a single figure in crystaline armor trailing blood and
drags himself into the cave. Before that, he sees a fairly dark wind,
with the edge of a bladestorm whooshing about. There are several figures
battling in the bladestorm. When we get 10 feet into the cave, an image
in glowing crystal armor appears. It speaks in Linear, "Password".
Whatever we say it says incorrect. When we back out of the cave, the image
We search around outside in the oasis. Alynna gets lost. We track her.
She's off somewhere following a glinting light reflecting off of a piece
of glass or something. She's escaping us with her fast walk, so we go
back and get our riding bugs and chase her. She arrives at a small metal
pyramid half buried in the sand. It seems fairly old and weathered. She
clears out around it and it seems to be quite large. It gets bigger as
she digs down. She uncovers a glowing symbol. She vanishes. Dah.
Well, we head on in. We get closer in, and Oathar sees the glowing symbol
and vanishes too. After a bunch of fretting, everyone else follows.
We show up next to the big giant metal pyramid falling down to ground
level. There are a bunch of people there watching Alynna. They start bowing
to her C3PO style.
Kyrik casts Speech and gets two ranks of spoken Worim. Alynna and Oathar
have an aura and get many bows...
The great party of the gods begins. Alynna sings and dances in Linear.
Kyrik and Oathar get volunteers to slurp the language from. Kyrik has
a dream:
There is an artist working on a workbench with a bunch of little figureines.
On the shelves around him are other figurines that he's made. He puts
them on a shelf and leaves the building which then collapses. He goes
to a new building with empty shelves. He thinks a bit and then a figurine
appears on a shelf. He looks at it, and recognizes it as his work, but
he's pretty sure he didn't make that one. He shrugs and put it back on
the shelf. He thinks for a while. A long time later, he starts making
figurines again. Later he makes the figuring that appears and he takes
it and puts it on the shelf.
Orhan 3 Day 26 TE 6062
The next day, we hear a flying thing approach, and when the villagers
hear it, they scatter briefly and then all run towards the pyramid. When
they get there, a giant golden pyramid descends out of the sky and lands
on the metal pyramid. Rings come down and a couple of anubi appear. We
blend into the crowd. The anubuses are yelling out to the crowd, "Bring
the other gods to us, now!"
We discuss a bit and decide not to go expose ourself. Kyrik convinces
Oathar to attune once more to the ring of Andraax. He does so, and contacts
Daenku. Daenku says that he can't show up lest defenses be activated that
would surely doom us. But we should try to take out the guards and get
into the pyramid. "Can you kill him?" "Um...we can try?"
"Then do so and contact me then." Once inside, he will tell
us how to disable it.
We spend three rounds buffing and attack the anubi (AT 20 DB 100). We
attack. We take down the anubi, they seem to be robots.
We take them down, and Alynna uses their technology to ring us up to
the ship. In the transporter room, there are two more anubi, we fight!
Lot's of mad parrying, since ~350 DB doesn't seen quite sufficient on
We take down the other two anubi and are hosed down a pile, but still
conscious. Imre starts healing people, while Oathar contacts the boss....