Session 217

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 1 Day 68 TE 6063

Imre's brought back too.

Kir has reclaimed most of the Watchtowers of Ulyshak and restored them, except for the one held by Lorgalis.

Oathar gets his audience with Neela and is er... "inspired" enabling him to write the Book of Coins as a companion to the Book of Waves. (215 prose).

Bodyguards from all of the various martial arts disciplines are gathering at the temple of Cay.

We're all invited to the ball in the Emporer's honor.

The introductory ball is had. Alynna heads off.

Orhan 1 Day 69 TE 6063

Alynna's Changramai superior asks her to come to his office the next day. He has a hard time getting to the point, but thinks it might be better if someone else we guarding the emporer because Alynna might be needed to guard the royal airship so no one sabotages is. The Empress has expressed concern that someone might sneak on board. Alynna is assigned to guard it.

"I'll do whatever you think best, but there are certain clients we need to keep happy..."

"Yes, but there are certain other clients who also need to be kept happy..."

Man it's pretty boring guarding the royal airship. Whoa. How bored can someone really get. Apparently, even more bored than that.

Then some "workmen" show up carrying supplies. They lay out quite the spread in the captain's cabin. Complete with a large gift wrapped box with Alynna's name on it. A box containing some sheer silk swatchy thing. It could either be evening wear, or a handkerchief.

Meanwhile over at the main ball, the minister of state is announcing people as they come in.

Lot's of ambassadors and lords show up. Lord Admiral Oathar is there, as is Master Imre and Lord Kyrik. His Imperial Majesty shows up. The Empress shows up too.

It's a shame Alynna is missing this party. Princess Tatiana is there too. Kyrik is encouraged to pursue her, but he claims she's a brainless twit. Oathar wonders when he started caring.

Everyone who is anyone is around. Except Alynna. It's very odd.

Loremasters Gireg Jan and Ren Thracyk are here. D's onld friend the entertainer Carstia is here too.

At some point the Emporer slips out of the party and Alynna gets to practice her cooking at half skill. Don't ask. As he's leaving he pulls out a silver chained diamond necklace. 5,000 gp diamond necklace.

Imre hits on the empress to pass the time apparently. She heads off to find her husband, but he's unavailable. While she's looking, Imre notices the Emporer returns looking mussed, but Imre unmusses him with some quick comfort ways. The empress and emporer get back together, and talk about the hush hush important meetings he's been in. She can't pin anything on him, so he gets away with it.

Princess Tatiana comes up and coos at Kyrik. He demurs as best he can. He plays hard to get and she just goes crazy. She unleashes the full power of her charms against him and he crumbles. The princess and Kyrik "have fun" in the rose garden.

The emporer senses a disturbance in the force, and sends a couple Changramai to investigate the sounds from the Rose Garden. Kyrik and the princess teleport to the park before the Changramai catch them "in the act".

Princess: "Isn't this exciting?"

Kyrik: "Danger has become such an ordinary part of my life... this scarely raises the pulse."

Princess: "We'll see about that. Come here big boy..."

The princess is quite pleased by their performance. He gives her a tour of the city. Naked invisible sightseeing. "That's why he's the legend of Kieronalia I guess." He has been complaining about wanting a real woman for years now, I guess.

Orhan 1 Day 70 TE 6063

Alynna goes shopping in old book stores looking for the most musty esoteric book of lore available. She then has a long talk with Kyrik, who is in a good mood. Alynna heads off to pose nude for Kyrik again and get some new photos. She gives the musty lore book to Kyrik as a present.

The Emporer has business to conduct for the next few days so they won't be able to meet for at least three days.

Orhan 2 Day 1 TE 6063

A mysterious visitor shows up at the villa and won't come in but asks for Kyrik. He buffs himself up and heads down to meet the assassin. It turns out to be the princess waiting for him. She pulls him out of the house. Imre was tasked to make sure Kyrik didn't die, but no spells were cast so let's Kyrik be kidnapped. They head off into town. She wants to fly this time. Kyrik teleports them to Santa Vallandra. Lo! Kyrik has a griffin. Naked moonlight glides over the spine of Emir. Oh dear.

Orhan 2 Day 2 TE 6063

A note is delivered to the villa for Kyrik. "My dearest, I'm afraid the worst has happened. I've been grounded. Father's seer cast a bunch of spells and didn't like what he saw. I'm afraid I won't be able to see you. But I'm sure a man of resources and daring would have no problem scaling the walls of the palace to rescue me. Yours, in burning love, Tatiana."

Imre sits for a portrait. It's a family man sort of theme.

That evening, Arisia and Nusmoi show Kyrik a secret route into the palace. "If anyone asks, you are here to carry stuff for me and Nusmoi." There's a little hidden passage behind a service door.

Tatiana, Arisia, and Nusmoi all seem taken by the inherent romance in the princess being rescued from the locked room in the tower. They're all incorrigible. Imre and Oathar are instructed (knowing nothing about it) to meet Nusmoi and Arisia in the Eidolon park. Yeah, it's so romantic. Oathar and Imre ask Kyrik what he's thinking. "I'm so doomed." This is when Tatiana and Arisia start deciding that eloping would be romantic. Nusmoi thinks it's romantic madness. Tatiana: "You're a priests aren't you? You could marry us right now." It's at this moment, that Kyrik see the danger and starts trying to abort. "I'm just the youngest son of a baron..." "But marry me and you could be a prince!"

Tatiana: "But our love will transcend death!"

Imre: "Actually, that's not our official policy."

With Changramai guars slowly closing in on all sides, we leave it with Kyrik trying to decide exactly what are the good and bad points with the elope with the smitten Imperial princess plan... Next time, wedding! Or jail! One of those seems likely..