In which our heroes ...
Orhan 2 Day 36 TE 6063
Oathar and Alynna hire a pair of Changramai 15th level for 30 gold a
day to protect Citizen Trask.
The situation looks grim...
Imre tries to wander around to pick up one of the fifth columnists for
mind-reaming. He gets a local guide to deal with it as best he can and
then drops in some divination. He heads to a bar with some party members
for backup and chats up the bartender looking for ar route out of town
"back to Arakin". This causes some other guy to come over and
buy him a drink. Said guy then lures him out into the back alley and knifes
The get a couple of third column identification tokens. Attuning to the
things puts Imre and Alynna on the bad guy party line. Alynna Kyrik and
Imre wrap up the fifth column, and geas them all to leave. It sounds like
there are five left by daybreak, but 45 or so are eliminated. WE get all
of the token. The tokens are gold with tiny laen lenses inside.
We destroy one catapult site, and one catapult. And then we do it again.
And again, with a better plan each time, and against constantly improving
countermeasures. Finally all the catapults are down.