In which our heroes ...
Orhan 3 Day 11 TE 6063
Shopping in Selkai.
Imre peruses the Influence sections of the magic shops... 200g is +4
to all Influence catagory...750g is +6. Imre buys a pile of stuff including
the Veils of Seduction and Chains of Interrogation.
Oathar goes for +15 appearance pearl earrings with gold settings costing
11k. Oathar makes reservations at the Green Veranda. He and Arisia have
an evening on the town planned for the next evening..
Orhan 3 Day 12 TE 6063
Oathar and Arisia have a nice dinner on the town. Imre attempts to hire
Captain Jack Sparrow to go pirate other pirates near Ulor. A few months
of poking around is gonna cost him. Gonna cost him about 2000 gold.
Alynna checks that her assassin friend is still in the Chagramai monestary,
"being reformed".
Orhan 3 Day 13 TE 6063
The Black Pearl arrives to confir with Imre. They chat. Imre introduces
him to Waygrog. Imre triest to get Jack to go spy on Ulor for him. Captain
Jack agrees. They recruit Ensign Thorn and some other people from Selkai
and head off to pirate.
Imre also tries to recruit some of our Lugraki (slaves) from middle management
and send them off to Ulor for more spying. Oathar helps him send some
messages to recruit the lugraki. After they find out what's going on up
there, they should head to U-Lyshak. Lugraki pirates? When the lugraki
are ready to report after their spying, they should go to the Black Pearl
and sign up. The lugraki want to get paid in gold. 100 gold each. Whoa.
Haeraan hires Nimble and Whisper. He offers them protection in eschange
for loyalty. (Plus expenses.) They cost 10gold per level per year.
Orhan 3 Day 20 TE 6063
Citizen Trask has been elected 1st citizen of Orian. The Mayor or Tovor
signs a mutual defense pact with the Baron of Santa Vallandra. The colluseum
in SV is finished. Stroane's army has gone back to Arakin.
Orhan 3 Day 23 TE 6063
We head to Bokpentok. Count Herotha is in his castle. He has no heirs
and is in his early 50s. We're lead into where there's a central fountain
to the biggest Inn in town, The Guilded Shield. We're treated well, at
least so far. A soldier shows up at the Inn and invites us up to the castle
for the evening.
Oathar heads back and finds some presents for the count. A +10 sword
and +10 shield, plus a couple fine bottles of Griffin wine.
Walking around town, it's pretty busy, good economy, only a temple to
Meynestra, not any Orhanian gods. There's a big caravan track, and a nice
fountain in the middle of town.
We head to the castle and are introduced to Count Hurotha. We introduce
ourselves as Lady Alynna, Brother Imre of the Church of Eissa, and Haeraan,
Knight of Riannes, Lord Admiral Oathar Mealora. We present our presents.
He seems pleased, but not overly impressed.
After a bit of small talk, the priestess Bandara arrives. She's a tall
severe looking woman who comes and stands next to the count.
After much sparring with the priestess, we come to an agreement where
no extra temple will appear within the current city limits. (At least,
not yet.. Mwu-ha-ha-ha...)
We have dinner and are invited to spend the night.
Orhan 3 Day 24 TE 6063
We head back to SV to arrange for official invitation. We "discuss"
the matter with Baron James. He's worried that we don't really know what
he wants in advance. Hmmm...
We send Imre back in the next morning to figure out what he wants...
Orhan 3 Day 25 TE 6063
Imre heads back to figure out what it is the count wants.
He reaches under his shirt an pulls out a silver locket. Inside is a
portrait of a young woman and a lock of hair. "I want the woman I
loved and the son I never saw." How long? 20 years. Where? The last
time I saw them was here. I want them back. I wasn't going to be allowed
to marry her, so his family arranged for her to go away. I got a brief
letter from her when he was born and never heard from her again.
Her name was Saera, the son's name was Mikal. Imre examines the letter
and finds it was written in Orellian 20 odd years ago. Imre takes some
of the hair and gets a copy of the Picture via Kyrik.