In which our heroes ...
Orhan 1 Day 63 TE 6064
Kyrik sees several figures patrolling outside the mine.
We buff up and Kyrik swoops down on them out of the sun. Moments before
his strike, they seem distracted by something off in the distance. (We
know not what.) He kills two, the rest of us teleport in, and the
third dies.
We charge into the mine. Looks like a carnage happened here. Some Trogli
run into a corner, but a half dozen iron wind come out before we can
talk with them. Most of the iron wind are AT20 DB50.
We lay into them. They shoot grenades at us, but Heraan deflects them
all. The fight grinds on. Suddenly a few of the iron wind run up to the
fighters and self destruct. Fireballs all around.
It does some damage, but at least it gets rid of that wave. Seeing how
things are going to go, Oathar casts a Greater Extended Haste on everyone
else, so they are hasted for 12 hours.
We quickly debrief the Trogli. They were mind controlled by the horrible
machine. There's undead all over the place, and Stitches, the great abomination
of undead stitched together. We unmindcontrol the Trogli with mentalism
dispels and send them on their way.
Missiles start flying everywhere! Deflections get a lot of use. Trogli
behind us get bombarded by our cast of missiles.
At one point Oathar gets mind controlled and teleports to his dark master.
"Hi Dark Master!" The Kyrik castles with him. Now Oathar is back at the
party, and Kyrk is with the dark master and Stitches. Stitches whacks
at Kyrik doing hundreds of points of damage. It's a mess. Oathar teleports
back to the dark master, while Kyrik teleports back to the party. Oathar
buffs the dark master a bit, while the party preps, and then they castle
Oathar and Kyrik, unmind control Oathar, and then everyone teleports
back down to the Dark Master. Now the whole party is together with the
Dark Master, Stitches, and the Machine.
Oathar casts Darkness at the machine so it won't mind control anyone
else, but many people have darkvision. Mass combat ensues. Stitches hits
really hard. Imre casts a lot of healing. Oathar casts a lot of lightnening.
The fighters fight.
Oathar blasts the dark master to bits with a titanic lightening strike.
The excess lightening strikes Haeraan causing his morningstar to flail
around menacing others...
Stitches explodes once the darkmaster is dead. The machine explodes.
All is left in darkness. A lone Trogli crawls into the room, says, "Why?"
and then dies.
The remains of the machine are indeed Tech, but probably not Lords of
Essence Tech, nor Iron Wind Tech. They were powering the tech device
with a magical ritual. It looks like it was part of a giant ritual,
one node of several. There are some residual essence flows heading off
into the NE and SE. Something like nerve stapling. It's creepy.
The party buzzes around the mine destroying everything in sight.