Session 250

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 1 Day 67 TE 6064

Imre takes some time off to go hire himself a knowledgable street urchin. He offers him the staggering price of 10 gold to guide him through the sewers. The kid accepts. He proves somewhat competent, and leads Imre et al to the three most lightly locations.

Meanwhile, Maxim just says, "We go!" and heads into the sewers with Alynna and Oathar in his wake. As he leaps into the sewer, his amulet says, "BEWARE EVIL DOERS! MAXIM PELAX COMES!!" It reverbberates throughout the sewers. Rather than tracking, Maxim says, "Fate will lead the way." He seems to choose whichever option leads deeper into the depths.

We come to a metal grating and Maxim blasts his way through it with lightning bolts. We keep heading our way down into the city. Then we come to a giant metal portal sealed. Oathar can not read the runes on it, but Maxim says "An evil has been sealed away here." It seems pretty old. We leave it alone.

Meanwhile, Haeraan's group finds a smugglers holding area. Haeraan looks behind and finds that five Kaeden ran out of this room like fifteen minutes ago. The kaeden are just running around free now! We're doomed! Going inside, they find dead bodies everywhere, and open cages scattered. One dead kaeden there.

The kaeden are running free throughout the sewers. Imre goes to report that to Oathar's party, and we all teleport back to Haeraan.

Haeraan starts tracking and we pursue. But just before we leave, Alynna searches and finds a sealed metal container. About two cubic feet. Oathar lightning bolts it. It explodes. Goo and acid everywhere.

As we follow the trail of the Kaeden, our guide indicates they're heading straight down to the headquarters of the Thieves Guild. Imre loots the bodies of the dead thief guards, taking a thieves guild token from one.

We proceed towards thieves guild HQ.

We finally come to a webbed over doorway. We slash the webs and head in.

We evade some traps and finally come to a room where some theives managed to barracade themselves in. Oathar gets stabbed with a poisoned dagger while rescuing them. Then we let them go after checking for "passengers". We proceed. As we get deeper the walls start getting covered wtih Kaeden goop.

We head further in and find an office in which two guys are webbed to the wall. The door to to office is covered with webs. When we cut the webs, Oathar suddenly detects movement coming. four Kaeden attack from down the hall. Haeraan and Maxim wade in and covere themselve with glory, and kaeden acid blood. We take the four and go looking for the fifth. Imre notices a facehugger coming and zorches it. As it dies, it falls on Alynna's head. But we're sure that it didn't do anything to her. Really. Oh, and as Alynna killed the last one, her weapon got stuck in it's chest for 12 rounds. The jata doesn't really survive. She'll need a new one of those.

We head in at attack the hive queen. We get in some good strikes. Maxim strides in, and grows to twice his height, and his gem says, "EVIL BEING, I HAVE COME FOR YOU!" She turns to face him and our guys sneak around the back to free the prisoners.

Then Maxim casts stone fires, and all of the stone under the eggs erupts into flames. Oathar casts a giant lightning bolt and the kaeden queen falls into the flames. She's not dead though, and the queen rises up in the flames. She grabs Maxim and give him several bites for something like 100 points of damage. Oh dear.

Maxim's ruby starts glowing, and says "WARNING, OVERCAST IN PROGRESS." Oathar thinks he's about to planeshift the queen. Oh dear. Moments before the spell goes off, Imre manages to use his vast powers to pull her arm off, (the arm holding on to Maxim). Maxim blasts him with a plasma bolt, doing a 28G Plasma. The queen explodes, covering everyone with Acid. Sigh. The acid destroys Alynna's pack, and Haeraan's cloak.
