Session 267

In which our heroes ...


Orhan 3 Day 34 TE 6064

Oathar helps Kyrik hunt a Phoenix. Oh look Wyverns. We leave away. Go to another volcano. We track a phoenix to it's nest, sitting on a small rock out in the middle of a lava pool. He decides to talk to it instead. The phoenix promises him a kid in a year, but only if he promises to give it a suitable place. He says he'll work on that.

Imre goes to see the High Priestess of Eissa to find out what our mission is. She's not entirely clear. It's a task that needs doing. Imre goes off to summon an angel and figure it out. He thinks it's something like being summoned to talk to Eissa and then dealing with the Iron Wind yet again in the north.

We decide to spend a week doing our various things.

Orhan 3 Day 35 TE 6064

Kyrik goes to Haalkataine and visits the palace. He finds that his wife is currently entertaining a pair of counts sons. A complicated plan arises to get him and Tatiana out of the palace and to a volcano side picnic. Hilarity ensues. There's a lot of craziness. She leaves a note for her father that she's running away with her true love. She just can't wait a whole year for a Phoenix. She makes him promise to come out to her father. He heads to the Komaran cluster to crash during the day, since he's scared to stay in Sel Kai.

Alynna and Oathar invent the Rave. There are circles of fire resitance and flaming drinks, Some Comfort Balls, and the like. They make 100 gold profit. It's pretty cool.

Haeraan spends his time with Imre investigating the invasion of Stroane. there's likely going to be a coup during Kieronalia, so they speed our delegation along to clean up after the coup is thwarted. Imre and Haeraan are made official ambasadors from Santa Vallandra to Stroane. Then they have a working lunch with the general. During the working lunch everyone gets "poisoned" with potions of love and then the city falls. Imre, Haeraan, Imre and half of the general staff use emergency escape plan 7 and escape.. Oathar reccommends chomping on garlic and dispel mentalisms.

Orhan 3 Day 35 TE 6064

More raves, mor epartying on the lam, and more trying to sack Arikin on behalf of the general. About 500 troops report from Niev in the first wave. Haeraan and Imre convince Oathar to send down Unicorn and Wyvern companies to help.