Session 302

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 1 Day 51 TE 6065

We continue to plan the Ardanian Job.

We decide to go talk to Gireg Jan. He's heard that we had been to see Elor. He thinks Elor isn't realy all there any more.

Gireg Jan recommends we try and establish a balance of terror with Lorgalis.

We decide that's the plan. Man we are fools.

We send messages to our agents to locate Lorgalis's secret assets.

Orhan 1 Day 52 TE 6065

Haeraan researches the Ardanian vault's defenses.

Imre goes to church when he realizes this is a Holy Day.

Oathar goes to inspect Neela's paladins and gets quite depressed at their skills. Though they do look damn good.

Haeraan suggests using the god construct on double-Mentalist mode, and using his undead army to keep them busy.

We plan some more and get ready to go.