In which our heroes ...
Orhan 3 Day 39 TE 6065
We flee with good brother and niece.
Orhan 3 Day 40 TE 6065
Kieronalia is underway.
Good Brother and she who shall hencforth be known as good-sister-in-law
plan their wedding.
A letter arrives at the villa for Kyrik.
If you wish to survive, volunteer nothing, agree to everything. PS If
you wear anything with my symbol on it, I'll tear it off and feed it to
Huh. Well, that's clear enough.
Alynna asks Arisia to help with the upcoming wedding.
Kyrik goes to acquire his wife. But first he's trying to get caught up
on the local gossip. As it turns out, they are on an inspection tour of
the northern provinces. So he's got to fly up there to see what the heck
is going on. They're all up at the duke of Prevan's place. With a big reception
going on at the ducal castle.
Kyrik tries to slip into the place in the form of a cat. He heads to the
main hall where he finds the royal family hanging around having a luncheon.
His wife looks bored. He wanders up and starts rubbing against his wife's
ankle. She starts petting the cat which leaps up into her lap. The duchess
tries to shoo the kitty away.
He wanders off but sneaks up to the royal bedchambers. Sadly, the invisble
flying cat sets off the assassin alarms, waking the empress. He shrugs
at his wife, barrel rolls a couple of times and then flies out the window.
"What was that thing?!" He flies back up over the roof.
Arisia and Oathar make the rounds at Kieronalia, while Alynna tells all
she can about her recent fight with Atalakan.
Haeraan and Luna sail around looking for the great dreaded tentacled canal
monster. They don't find it, so they just sit around.
Simon hangs out at the temple of Kieron. Imre sneak along following him.
Simon meets a bunch of friends and they stop by the temple of Eissa, and
a couple of young priestess from the temple of Eissa come out and the group
heads to the temple of Kieron. Then they head around to the back of the
temple and slip in.
When Imre goes to the back door though he hits a barrier. Warding against
invisible people, huh. He turns visible and goes in.
Alynna and Oathar plan the next big underground rave at the Drake's Lair,
with special guest star Rekentiliak.
Kyrik waits until after dinner and then crashes the ball. Lord Kyrik,
Duke of Zor, arriving. The emporer welcomes him, and the empress doesn't
obviously snub him, but his sense ambush skill fails to goes off, so who
knows what's going on.
Elsewhere in the room, Anton and another Griffen college representative
is looking over at Kyrik concerned. The empress holds out her hand for
him. He heads over, casting resist poison while he walks... Sadly, he is
immediately jumps by guards when he does that. "How dare he cast a spell
at me!" He is dragged off to prison. His stuff is confiscated and he's
shackeled, mage helmeted, and thrown in the dungeon.
After a while, Anton goes to visit him. "Oh Kyrik, didn't we teach you
anything?" Anton goes into apoplexy as Kyrik tries to explain while he
was casting resist poison in the middle of a party witht he empress.
Luna looks up at the sky and tells Haeraan he doesn't want to know.
Imre heads up to Halkataine to search for Kyrik when we notice Kyrik's
power point meter dropping for hours until you get to zero. Imre then goes
to Griffin college since Kyrik's not at the palace. He hears Anton ranting
like a madman within.
Anton "greets" him with a "GET IN HERE!" Anton goes into another apoplexy.
Anton sears the scene into Imre's mind! Imre comiserates with Anton, and
asks how to get him out. Anton wonders why we'd want to do that. Anton
washes his hands of Kyrik. He will have no more to do with him.
Imre heads north to try and rescue Kyrik. It appears the party broke up
early. The servants tell him what to do. "The empresses' son-in-law tried
to assassinate her! He'll likely be executed in the morning. Poor Tatiana."
Imre starts spreading the rumor around that it was actually a demoninc
changeling, not Kyrik.
He slips a message to Tatiana and they arrange a secret meeting in the
gardens. She says they are arraging for the emporer's truthsayer to be
teleported in to interrogate him. Oh dear.
The emporer's truth sayer shows up to interrogate him. He claims he was
just trying to pick up his wife for Kieronalia. He cast a spell because
the empress was going to try and poison him. She heads off to report to
the emporer. Tatiana reports that he's been banished from the kingdom for
the next year and a royal overseer has been appointed to Zor with his brother
getting demoted. Oh, and Tatiana is forbidden to see him.
Kyrik wanders off into the temple of Kieron, but mostly just watches the
revelry from his glum little corner. Then he goes to the library.
Imre and Haeraan head back to the northlands to kidnap Princess Tatiana.
He True Changes a lad in waiting, then smuggles the princess back. They
get Kyrik out of the library and across town to Tatiana. Then the two of
them rush out to Kieronalia.
Alynna and Oathar's underground rave! They make 500 gold.
Orhan 3 Day 41 TE 6065
We go to see who gets crowned as king and queen of Kieronalia. The new
king of Kieronalia is Simon! Woo! Imre is appalled.
Nusmoi wonders why they are yelling Simon's name in the streets. Oh dear.
Oh dear indeed.
Orhan 3 Day 42 TE 6065
We dispose of Kieronalia.