In which our heroes ...
Orhan 3 Day 61 TE 6065
Meanwhile in the Shock and Awe simulators, our heroes are on the infinite
gray plane.
We pick weapons and then start attackin target dummies in calibration
We choose level 7 on the scale from 1 to Bring it On!
A dozen powered armor troopers show up.
We fight. We get pulverized. Well, we last a few rounds, but as we go
down, the rest gang up on the survivors and it is not pretty. Oh, and we
didn't take any out. Not a single one. We die.
We try again at difficulty 5.
Things start out almost OK. Our probability of success goes up to 55%,
but then Oathar blasts his own knee out and goes down for the rest of the
combat. Strangely though, the probability goes up to 70% after that happens.
We struggle through for a bit and then...victory is ours!!!!
We do it again at a higher level with junkier weapons. We lose. It's a
little disappointing.