In which our heroes ...
Orhan 1 Day 9 TE 6066
Alynna sends off her scroll of sending to T'var. "Need meeting with Cloud
Lord of Tanara, any contacts?" She gets a response, "Contact Loremasters
in Haalkataine."
Orhan 1 Day 11 TE 6066
Imre's tower sets sail with paladins of Neela providing security.
Oathar and Haeraan head to Haalkataine and look for Loremaster Ren Thrasic.
When we get there, we find that he's deep in conference with Anton and
Elor. We're invited in. Anton thinks there' somethign we need to know here,
while Elor wants to brief us. He appraises us of lugraki movements. They've
moved north and basically abandoned the capital area. The arming of the
Zorians has lead to a number of confrontations between Rahkani and Zorian
troops all along the borders. Mostly scattered, but growing. Mostly in
Kyrik's zone. Gerund has been informally promissing land in that territory
to some of his nobles to compensate them for other failings...
We get on to the original purpose. The cloudlords have an ambassador here.
They helped the Rahkani with an invasion a few years back and have generally
a good relationship with the Rahkani. The ambassador's name is T'Lan Norain.
They are fairly secretive and have a very complex political structure.
The current head is T'Kal Norain. He's been attempting to modernize and
bring Tanara out of isolationism. He's even tried to reforms like freeing
the Myri. The other lords are reluctant to give up their life of leisure.
His position is thus endangered. Not all of his positions and reforms have
worked as well as he's hoped.
Elor shows us out. He'll be at Prevan's villa this evening. We're shown
Back in Selkai, a brother of the temple of Kieron shows up at the villa
and is shown to Kyrik. They wanted to consult him on the issue of shipping
his Kieronalia statue be shipped to Dynax to assist in the porn wars. It
will be placed in the central courtyard of the temple down there and inspire
them in the struggle against Moralis. Kyrik agrees and they prepare to
move the temple.
We all head to the Prevan villa for the party that evening. Yay! Alynna
disguises herself as Arisia, since she's probably not supposed to be here.
We greet people and then Elor comes over and says, "You are not prepared.
But you will be will you not?" We agree. "Know this, you will get a second
chance, but not a third." He doesn't come across with the details though.
He expects in a month or so. Elor tells Haeraan that the duke here has
a number of troops that need some coordination. They get down to business
and go over Rahkani coordination signals, etc. He goes into the while OrBat
and gets it out of Haeraan.
Oathar needs to go get a couple of airships to deploy the Zorians/Bugs.
Prevan suggests we bribe people and seduce the emperor to get more troops.
Orhan 1 Day 12 TE 6066
Haeraan goes off to talk to the Tanaran ambassador. That negotiation ends
Suddenly, Blinky shows up and demands a fate point from Imre. Imre refuses.
Blinky frowns and leaves.
Oathar goes off to explore the Zorian capital. Beneath the current sand
surface layer, there are bits of metal down there, but there's no clear
shelters or storage vaults down there.
Orhan 1 Day 13 TE 6066
Haeraan goes to talk to Mornan Xaon. Xaon is plotting strikes on Rahkani
desert supply dumps. Haeraan tries to talk him down. Mornan is adamant.
No retreat!
Alynna sends a message to the Emperor, "Need large unit for dangerous
Orhan 1 Day 14 TE 6066
Oathar corp. gets a request to transport a large statue of Kyrik to Dynax.
Oathar thinks, "At least now, it's not in Selkai." Off it goes.
Orhan 1 Day 15 TE 6066
Haeraan moves the Kuluku troops to the Santa Vallandra area. and tells
the locals to stay away from them.
Orhan 1 Day 16 TE 6066
Oathar calls Captain Jack. He gives Jack 10000 gold to get a pirate fleet
to show and sack the port of armageddon. Then Oathar goes to the defense
minister and gets the naval units he was promised if he could get the pirate
fleet out of the way.
Orhan 1 Day 17 TE 6066
Haeraan goes to recruit a bunch of dwarven sappers... He spends 2000 g
and gets a bunch of dwarven sappers.
Orhan 1 Day 18 TE 6066
Alynna borrows some troops from the emperor. The fifth batallion is given
over to her. 3 companies of 100 and 50 in batallion HQ. Just tell the ambassador
when you need to and where.
Orhan 1 Day 20 TE 6066
Haeraan goes looking for elven splodey powder. It'll take 30 barrels to
take out a tunnel. Given hazard rates, they charge 1750 g. We get one,
understanding potential risk. He must provide two 10th level paladins,
with a life-giving and as much healing as required. Haeraan and the guy