In which our heroes ...
Orhan 1 Day 38 TE 6066
We touch the Ark of World and sing our song!!!! We all spend 2/3 and put
two jokers into the time travel deck.
The mysteries of spacetime!
Each 100 points above 100 (100 in winnings)
is a +1 Misc bonus to a stat, 2 talent points, 5 dev points, +3 RR. (and
proportionaly lower as needed.)
For each point under 100, you are at -1 for all rolls.
Time for 25 rounds of time travel!
We start with a 3.
Round 1: Jack
Round 2: 5
Round 3: 7
Round 4: queen
Round 5: 6
Round 6: joker (ace)
Round 7: 8
Round 8: Ace
Round 9: Ace - Oh noes!!!!
Round 10: 7
Round 11: 2
Round 12: 9
Round 13: 10
Round 14: 3
Round 15: 3 - Oh noes!!!!
Round 16: 7
Round 17: joker (ace)
Round 18: king
Round 19: 8
Round 20: 8 - Oh noes
Round 21: 10
Round 22: King
Round 23: 4
Round 24: 6
Round 25: 3
We arrive at Orhan 3 Day 8 6063
- Haeraan: 2300
- Oathar: 2000
- Kyrik: 2400
- Alynna: 1840
- Imre: 1780
Orhan 3 Day 8 TE 6063
We show up in the evening in Kaitaine. In Oathar's secret villa! Woo!
Go Oathar!
Oathar sends the message to himself via a messenger crab and tells him
someone (him) will come looking for it in 6066.
We sit down around a fine dinner and chat about a plan.
We investigate Govan history.
Orhan 3 Day 9 TE 6063
We decide to go to the Hrazi in Mulira. We go.
We decide to head to a city nearby and ask what Hrazi approach protocols.
Orhan 3 Day 10 TE 6063
We pick Mazar at the river delta in eastern Mulira. There are various
ships in port. One is of the Alliance. We check out the laws of Mazar,
the Pillar City. Murder = death. Manslaughter = death or life. Theft =
repatriation of good and hand.
We head into the tavern of the silver fishes.