In which our heroes ...
Orhan 4 Day 7 TE 6063
Mahari Ridaen sends us a IOU for an item of our choice each. If a weapon it gets an Weapon IV, III, II, and I on it. If a Armor it gets an Armor IV, III, II, I, and if an other item it gets a General IV, III, II, I. She'll be busy for a while, but will make us these to take to Armageddon with us. She'll also show up to Armageddon herself.
Orhan 4 Day 8 TE 6063
We discuss what to do next.
Alynna goes to temple of Cay to pray on her situation.
Alynna gets adream with lots of little niches and plaques. Some people in the great hall are ignoring the statues, some examine a couple, but there is one old guy would is carefull yexamining every single statue. Alynna gets the feeling she's look at a few of them herself. She knows that there are a finite number of statues, but definitely more than she's seen.
Heraan heads off to train the troops for a while.
Oathar examines the Uncorn Sword: "It's a +35 sword with double concussion damage. It cold flames on command, adding a Cold crit at the same severity. It unleashes a form of the Absense of Heat. Ice Bolt 200' range with x4 damage, 2/day. Of Slaying for creatures of heat. Of Changing: Dagger, Broadsword, 2H Sword. Some intelligence.
Orhan 4 Day 9 TE 6063
Oh wait! We remember it's time to go bring the Unicorn Sword to the little dudes. We all go back to Urulan.
They bow down and worship us for a while and then offer 200 of the Stunted Elven Warriors. They swear to train diligently until the day we call for them. Starting real soon.
During the great celebration that follows, Alynna notices that one of the elves is wrapped in a cloth banner that looks familiar to her. Using her Bardic Heraldry, she notices that it is a flag of her order, of the typ ethey'd use on vehicles..
Orhan 4 Day 10 TE 6063
After the celebration, he takes her to a very old shipwreck. The flag floated up from that thing ten years ago after a storm.
Alynna trades for the flag. It's cultural significane is that it's a banner for the Order of the Four Winds used on official or large transports, etc.
We gather and prepare to explore the depths. Oathar prays to Neela. "A little crab shows up and says do you need a guide?" We follow that crab and head down to the wreck. It's dated around old empire.
We start excavating. First we find a metal container that has been cracked. It has cloth inside. It has a couple more flags and some uniforms. Oathar fixes them up with his instant drycleaning spell.
We find a bunch of old trade goods, completely rotted away. Below that are two more metal chests, these are intact! they look like they may be water-tight. They each have a seal of the order on top, but no lock or anything. Alynna puts her ring on and they open for her. Inside the first chest she finds, Several pairs of Boots of her Order! Wow! No laen lenses though. Ther second chest has several individually wrapped objects inside. The first one is a set of books, apparently the Records of the Order. The next one, The Charter of the Order. The next one, A Golden Scroll with the Oath of the Order "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds..."
The history of the order isn't very exciting, but it's quite interesting. They decided near the end that they were unimportant enough that they would take the remnants of the order and flee until things improved. This ship was their escape vessel. She discoveres that the "Oath" item can be used to induct new members into the order ragardless of bloodline. Reading the books lets you buy Culture Lore and History: Old Emirian Empire. Referring to the book give one a +20 to Administration and Bureaucracy.
Orhan 4 Day 11 TE 6063
All this stuff with Alynna, suddenly causes Oathar to realize he stole the Book of the Order of the Ring from the Jerak Arenreth right before leaving and he didn't really get a chance to read it!
The book is one of the four foci of his order. The Book (Magicians), the Sword (Judges), the Telescope (Astrologers), and the Library (Historians). The Book of the Ring has all known spells of every realm. It gives +35 to Magical Research Rolls. It can communicate with wielders of the other foci at will. it gives +20 to all RRs if you are holding it.
Orhan 4 Day 12 TE 6063
We start our long term plans.
Kyrik goes to join his order in Ardania. He finds out though, that as a loyal member of his order, he's required to commit atrocities over the Ardanian subject populations. He also finds that the order is pretyt much full, which might explain why he can't find anyone eligible to join, since no one currently is. He gets acess to the armory, etc. the Yarbalkas are all corrupted of course.
Imre starts several hidden drug farms.
Oathar recruits alchemists for his alchemy mines.
Haeraan is off training and recruiting.
Orhan 2 Day 12 TE 6064
We finish our long term plans and get back to adverturing.