Session 413

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 4 Day 50 TE 6064

The rift is closed!

Oathar talks to Viglinn about alternative power sources for his ritual. He is told that perhaps the fusion engine from a two or three man fighter.

We meet a trader and sell a vast pile of high end loot that we have in exchange for a Anti-aircraft laser turret.


20000 vampire sword
20000 morning star of air
10000 attack sphere
10000 staph of spheres
12000 dagger of doom
7500 earrings of chance
10000 elfslaying sword

Not spent

15000 omni-weapon
33000 shield of Haeraan

That night Haeraan has a dream about how hard it is to steal 10 cat hairs from the holy cat in the high temple of Andaras. (for 50k in store credit) He has a dream of a mouse sneaking up on the cat tail. Other ways to get store credit include the tears of 3 princeses.

Orhan 4 Day 54 TE 6064

A jewel well is detected!!! They teleport us to the area of a jewel well. Oathar and Alynna (mana moulder) do the gathering, while everyone else holds the area.

Huh, it seems they are looking at incoming wormsign. Oh dear.

Alynna casts Stabilize Essence III, and then Percieves power. Yup, the jewel well is concentrated raw essence. It's quite cool.

Haeraan runs over to some drum sand and hops around eventually attackign the sandworm towards him.

Using her Mana Moulder technology, instead of getting jello shots, she gets hard mana candy.

Meanwhile, the Breathless show up. Great.

Kyrik mounts the worm Fremen-style, and starts trying to turn it towards the breathless.

We get about 2/3 of the way through the jewel well.

They then smash some breathless with their sand worm. Whoa. That was cool.

We end up with 100 mana beans: Each one can do a couple of things: +20 power points, x2 to an effect, but crystal multipliers really do multiply. Once you get to 5 crystals (x32) it starts to become dangerous. Above that, you need to start making burnout rolls. 1-100 roll and add the number of power points you used. If that's above 100 you invoke burnout.

We should now go tell the jewell knights and Viglinn to diss us next time we show up.

They agree to send a platoon of jewel knights.

We do tell them to not diss us if we say the word, "Shazbot"

That night, Haeraan dreams about the history of our anti-aircraft laser (it came from a crashed terran ship that founded the brotherhood of the word), and the second dream is tell us about the other buyer who wanted all that stuff (its the brotherhood of the word).