In which our heroes ...
Orhan 5 Day 5 TE 6064
We prepare to activate Mad Oathar Plan 16D. (We think Plan 15C will have "Odd" side effects.)
We go track down Tess, the Warlock of Eissa!
We get the information from her about the locations of the Twelve Libraries of Kestakai! Sadly, she doesn't know which is which. Then we cast Forget on her and depart.
Imre uses his vast divanatory abilities to figure out which library we want. During the divination, the King of Spades holds out his little sword and points at Imre, "Don't even think about it. If you even try, I come for you!" He decides that if he wants to, he can get the answer. We decide that Kestakai could probably rule Charon if he wanted to. He's probably the most powerful single entity on Charon. Luckily, he's an academic instead of Action Guy. But we probably still don't want to make him a personal enemy of us. So, we decide not to flip over the final card of the spread, and the answer eludes us.
WE decide to go to the library of Nomikos, and reserach Planar Control. Most of the books we find involve how to change the color of the sky or control the weather on a plane. There's one book which seems to indicate that you might be able to coerce/co-opt or otherwise get a set of extra planar creatures to be bound to your plane and use then as reindeer/husy dogs to drive your plane around.
Then, Imre goes to Nomikos to reserach again. He thinks there are two other possibilities. 1) We could create something the equivalent of a celestial/planar sail. It would catch the currents that flow through the multiverse and use that to sail around. 2) We could attach some sort of planar enery rocket, by ejecting things off the plane. Possibly even using the power that grows the plane, thus sacrificing growth for movement. Finally, we might be able to use the Gethaenan containment sphere to create the power construct needed to build either the sail or the rocket.
OK, we abandon plan 16D for a while. Oathar moves on to plan 9X. The Titans of Emer. Let's go get them. Or at least their stuff.
We head to speak to the storm wizard. We head on up. He says the Masters of Emer are not going to be useful. For 10 millenia they have not revealed themselves.
We ask about high tech location. The vaults of the northern and souther eyes. Old Earthwarden installations. He says there's always the golem of Vog Mur. Or perhaps the Jenkaina's research labs. You know, the lord of essence who was freed from her cryogenic vault. You know, the one who is a member of the Jerek Arenreth. He tells us the locations of her reasearch labs on the western coast of Thull.
Then after hours of discussing demi-plane plans, we settle on heading to the superweapon and then to the Citadel of the Northern Eye. We head in and find a path that leads down to a giant circular valley with the citadel in the middle. There is a pair of great doors at the head of the citadel. One of them is closed. One is half open, half unhinged. The doors say, "Citadel of the Northern Eye".
Inside the marble floor in the antechamber is scarred, with broken pillars about and other such stones destroyed. Piles of broken piles. Clearly someone fought their way through a bunch of holems. On burned metal pile of some sort of titanium alloy.
We try to take the elevator to the basement. It asks for authorization, and we cast False Credientials on it. It lets us go down to the basement. It's dimly lit. It's a sort of basement antechamber with closed door heading in four directions. They are labeled: Storage and Maintainance. The northern door opens as we approach. It appears to contain a storage or raw materials/workship area. It's sort of an automated repairshop. It's like the equivalent of a computerized 3-D printer shop. It requires raw materials and a CAD drawing. There doesn't seem to be a scanner.
The southern basement room has a bunch of maintainance robots. The Western room appears to be a set of offices. One wall has a cutaway view of the place. On the diagrams, the Eastern room is labeled "Secure Storage and Machine Facilities". Also in teh basement ar erobotic bays and fanricationfacilities. Top floor is labeledEye. Second floor is labeled viewing platform. First floor is labeled "Containment Level" This seems to be the forecefield generating. Psychic paper lets us in. Inside is another corridor with a couple of doors.
At the end if this corridor is "Warning: Poer Facility Warning: Authroized Personell Only Warning". One of them has what appears to be an electrical parts storage. The other appears to have personal equipment in it. The last one is labeled security. Inside is a bank of blank monitors and lights and stuff, all shut down.
There are safes in the security room.
First safe has a weapons rack. 2 blaster pistols with power disks. 2 Shield Belts. 6 Grenades. 2 blaster rifles with recharge packs.
Second safe has two parts. One part is filled with data crystals. The other parts seems to have an electronics panel labeled "Facility Structural Containment Override"
We study the charts and decide that the containment field needs to be primed from main power before one sticks the eye in. So if the eye is returned, the power generator better be here. There's a giant power generator built into the floor with the emergency shutoffs hit. It's a 10 Terawatt Power Generator!!! Woo!!! We finally found one. Of course, it's huge, built into the floor, and necessary for the salvation of the world if the eye is returned.