In which our heroes ...
Orhan 2 Day 30 TE 6065
Dragon Lords: Each dragon lord does three areial bombardments, one per turn. Either wipe out a light unit, or knock a heavy down to a light unit. Dragon lords can not fly if there are laser towers up.
The docks: If you wipe out the docks, the ships can not land. You need a unit go down to the dock (there are 4) and burn them for two turns to keep them from reinforcing.
Entrance tunnels: There are four. If you park a full undamaged unit at the entrance, they can hold off al reinforcements indefinitly. If you collpase the tunnel, you don' thave to guard it any more.
There are flying trogli units. We hate those guys.
Engage leaders while the unit is not engaged will get you killed. If the unit is engaged it's more likely.
Trenchdiving: you start at -200 OB. You commit to how many rounds you want to be in the trench. For every round int eh trench, you get +20 OB. In the trech, flying trogli try to get you. DB is limited in the trench.
Portable portal, 4 arches, 6 seeds, two pads, changramai