In which our heroes ...
Orhan 4 Day 2 TE 6057
Oathar scans his wife for "evil" and gets a slight ping, but
then it fades. She also good. She's not cursed. She hates the people who
stabbed her. Imre then goes and looks into Arisia's condition with his
Eissa powers.
Veriak looks Arisia over too. Yay! He checks Arisia over. He thinks "the
door has not been opened, and the way yet lies ahead of us." Hmmm.....
Then he says, "Hmmm... East is East and West is West and perhaps
they shall meet." Then he recovers and thinks that was odd. He doesn't
understand it either. He had an image of the world covered in a shroud
and the shroud being lifted.
The prince is worried about Lankonok, and so isn't able to commit anything
to pirate scourging.
Casting around for something to do, Alynna asks Haeraan about his strange
magic stone. Haeraan says he's never seen it, but thinks Oathar and Imre
would be able to find out things about it.
Oathar and Arisia go over their wedding presents. They got some works
of art, and a little pleasure barge for the canals, money, (3500 gold),
and a small house on one of the outer islands near SelKai, and of course,
the Prince gives the happy couple a skyship. Like a sky sloop. Sigh. Imre
gets them a pair of books. Biographies of Agaram Navalek, Prince who founded
Eidolon, and Azal Quath, Loar alchemist architect and deigner of Eidolon.
And a bottle of 10 year old whiskey. Haeraan got a painting by the great
master Reuseau. Matched riding horses.
Orhan 4 Day 4-14 TE 6057
Once Arisia is feeling better, Oathar and Arisia head off for their island
honeymoon. It's a private island with no one but us, and security and
Coran Maas, and servants and sigh.
Imre wanders around looking amulets of disguise undead. Very strange...
Or is it?
Meanwhile Gireg Jan reports that Xiax has been spotted in Norek. Perhaps
we should go!
Arisia moves into the Villa.
Orhan 4 Day 15 TE 6057
We sail to Norek. On the way Oathar asks Haeraan about detecting enemies
and making Paladins. It's pretty pesky. Kind of like a chicken and an
egg problem without any chickens...or eggs.
Orhan 4 Day 35 TE 6057
We arrive in Norek! As we walk down the gangplank, Imre is lighted by
a beam of light from the heavens. Four angels of Eissa descend from the
sky, and tap Imre on the head of their Scythes and cover him with an Aura
spell. Everyone around drops to one knee. Whoa! Maybe Imre is the new
King of Norek. Oh dear. Imre explains that the council chairman of Norek
is chosen directly by Eissa.
We are escorted by guards to the council chambers. The council hall is
in the center of the delta. It's a large fortress or something. Lot's
of ballista and catapaults. Gosh. We are greeted by the five members of
the council. The woman in front with the Eissan holy symbol steps forward
and welcomes us. "Mother has spoken, it is time." The other
council members are kind of shocked. In the council chambers, four of
them sit down at the outer seats. The chair in the center is a big ornate
chair with a gold sceptre just sitting on it. "I hand the council
chairmanship to you." "Thank you sister." He sits in the
chair. Once per day, he can cast High Prayer (50th level spell). Well,
Eissa can cast it. The sceptre is an artifact that casts once per month:
Purification True, Mass True Healing, Mass Calm, High Prayer. It can also
cast 50 pp per week off of magician base lists up to 5th level. In times
of just war, these are 200pp and 20th level. It's a x4 ppm. Anyone else
who touches it is attacked by four Absolution Pure spells at +100.
The other coucillors ask Imre to introduce himself. He introduces himself
to the councillors. Then the councillors introduce themselves. Hunar Manoy,
military councillor. Guthren, commerce councillor. Donna Reven, chancellor
of magic, Masba Ollenher, diplomatic councillor. When asking about Xiax,
they relate that the council had just received a report of strange creatures
and activities around the old temple of Cay.
Imre and the old council leader discuss things. Apparently, Kier is trying
to reassert control over the old U-Lyshak areas, such as Norek. And Imre
is a sorceror. Goodness. And his mother is Shinn Bazan, the Cruel. Yup,
the wicked witch of the swamp. Yup, teh dark sorceress of the murky depths.
Cruel mistress of the creeping miasma too. Who knew?
She offers her house for Imre. The rest of us retire to the Red Headed
Lady. Oathar talks to the bartender and reveals that Imre is part owner
of the place. He also spends the evening going over the books. They seem
to be honest! Ah ha! An honest man. Oathar gives the staff a 10 gold bonus.
Meanwhile the old high councillor is trying to seduce Imre. Well she
seems to give up fairly quickly, and Imre frets a long time but eventually
decides not to pursue it.