Session 85

In which our terracotta heroes are goofs...

Mission 1: 5 points Map the tunnel system

We set out! Woo! Loyal servants of Terrakot!

Though rats, ants, pixies, and potions bar our way, we map the place completely.

We find a magic ring in teh sewers, so when we offer it up to Terrakot, he gives us all a +1 spell adder!

Mission 2: 10 points Steal some of Neela's holy water

We head to Her temple...

Cats and priests try to stop us, but soon the water is ours!

Mission 3: 15 points Return the lost shard of Terrakot

We invade a small kitchen from below! Down with investigators.

We sneak up to the study, and try to steal the chip.

Imre is down a clone and Haeraan's clone is on his last legs, but we succeeed.

