In which our heroes ...
Orhan 1 Day 2 TE 6058
We find a giant pile of bones, like a huge skeleton of a whale. Inside
the skeleton is several bits of other bone and some sort of pile of something
inside. Under the pile is something solid. It's like a big leather bound
tome lying there. Hmmm, in ancient script it says, On the Binding and
Use of Demons, by Valdemar the Magnificent (or Maelificant perhaps). imre
goes through it and finds it's generally the usual sort of Demon &
Devil Lore. Chapters on general lore, binding demons, getting them to
answer questions, do stuff for you, etc.. Then advanced techniques for
binding them into your skin, and being a chaos lord, etc. There's also
stuff about rending demon essense and turning it into poison. Binding
specialzed demons into people, blah, blah. Finally, there are specialized
spell for use with binding demons. While going through it, Imre finds
himself mesmerized by it and casts a spell from within. Bah.
We all need to resist versus Arcane. That doesn't go so well, but seemingly
nothing happens. Oh wait! We're all cursed. In fact, Imre cursed us. Sigh.
The fighters use their cleansing trance skill to uncurse themselves. We
mages need the god construct to tell them the the curse is all about becoming
a demon summoner. Every day it will tempt us, and when we're done we will
fall to being demon summoners. Each day we will be tempted. Eventually
we will fail and summon demons. The god construct tried to remove the
curse, but failed. Sigh.
We decide to head back to the ocean and try to get saved. Imre spends
the night praying to Eissa who sometime late in the night does hear his
prayer. A beam of light descends from Orhan, and a little Angel of Death
shows up and talks to Imre a bit. Then she uncurses him and tell him to
not do that anymore.
Orhan 1 Day 3 TE 6058
We set off. Travelling back towards the ship.
Orhan 1 Day 4 TE 6058
We travel towards the ship. Nothing happens.
Orhan 1 Day 5 TE 6058
We travel towards the ship. Nothing happens.
Orhan 1 Day 6 TE 6058
We travel towards the ship. Nothing happens.
Orhan 1 Day 7 TE 6058
We travel towards the ship. Nothing happens. Well, nothing other than
Oathar discovering the book is in his saddle bag, and wanting to take
it out and summon demons with it. Alynna and Imre notices. Alynna tries
to summon the book to her hand with leaving. She fails. Imre casts UNMIND
on him. Oh dear. Oathar is drooling. People take this opportunity to blindfold
Oathar is lead along on his horse, blindfolded.
We travel towards the ship. Nothing else happens.
Orhan 1 Day 8 TE 6058
We travel towards the ship. Nothing happens. Well, nothing except the
book teleporting to Oathar's saddlebag. Oathar manages to get the book
out of his saddlebag, but is noticed as he pulls his blindfold off. Oh
dear. He's bombarded with spells and the curse is temporarily neutralized.
Oathar blindfolds himself and off they continue. Oh wait, once the neutralize
wears off, Oathar's got the book again. Yup, there's UNMIND again. Drool...
Orhan 1 Day 9 TE 6058
We travel towards the ship. Nothing happens.
Orhan 1 Day 10 TE 6058
We travel towards the ship. Nothing happens. Untill, that night, when
Oathar is unbound and unblindfolded for dinner. Oathar starts heading
for the latrine, until the book teleports into his hands. Oh look, there's
that UNMIND spell again.
Orhan 1 Day 11 TE 6058
We get to the ship. Oathar goes into the water and pray to Neela for
deliverance. He offers is power point multiplier up to neela and she accepts
his sacrifice and feels her healing power as he is uncursed.
After resupply and head back out in the morning.
Orhan 1 Day 12 TE 6058
We head out in the other direction for more exploration.
Orhan 1 Day 24 TE 6058
We come upon a strange grey metallic shape in the distance. Tradewind
says it's some sort of metal building. We head towards it. It's a metal
pyramid about 10 feet tall with a big eye. Not really like the symbol
of the order of the eye, but instead it looks like the ring of Andraxx.
Oathar takes out the ring of Andraxx and holds it up to the eye. The eye
starts glowing. The eye slides down and now there are a passage and stairs
leading downwards. We head in!
About 50 feet down is a door with a slit in the middle and a panel on
the side. Oathar shows the panel the ring and the door opens. Inside is
a hexagonal chamber, with five more doors leading out. Oathar marks our
door (door 1) with a gold coin and we try door number 2.
Writing appears on the panel. "Music Room" The door opens.
We go in. There's a small stage, and display cases with musical instruments.
The instruments (flute, lyre, odd box with buttons, etc.) Alynna takes
the flute out of the display case and stands on the little stage to try
it out. It turns out to be a +25 flute. We also discover that the instruments
will replay their most recent song. The Lyre plays a strange odd melody.
It's very odd. People who don't resist versus mentalism get very sad and
depressed. It's a very lonely tune.
Door 3 says Portal Room, Door 4 says Control room, Door 5 says Maintainance,
Door 6 says Living Quarters.
Door 6 says "Voiceprint verification" Hmm, that's bad. We try
the Control room.
Lot's of big metal cabinets with glass screens and button and knobs and
dials. "Power control, environmental control, computer core, etc."
Inside Maintainance are three steel golems. One wakes up and asks if maintainance
is required and Kyrik tells it "No." so it goes go back to sleep.
In the portal room is a dias with an alter and buttons and knobs. Screens
and a transporter room. The Altar says "Planetary Transporter"
As we stand there the glass lights up and we see a star map with something
called Sol in the center. Then a far off one labled "Ceril"
lights up, and expands into our familiar Kulthea solar system.
The 7th planet blinks green. The 2, 3, 5, 6, planet blinks red. The 4th
planet has a bunch of little tiny circles. 8 is red. 9-15 have red asterisks
around the circle but not on it. The 14th one is green. 15 is red. They
name the planets. Then Kyrik tells it in the ancient tounge to "Show
Earth". It zooms back out and zooms in on Sol and show the 3rd planet
green, and the 4th planet yellow.
Going back we ask it to show Orhan and it doesn't have any colored symbols
on the moons except that Varin has a diamond symbol, not like the asterisks.
Kyrik asks for a map legend. Green asterisk "Functioning planetary
tranporter" Red astersik "offline" Green diamond "functioning
local transporter" Red diamond "nonfunctional local transporter."
Plusses are spaceports. "Display nearest spaceport shows a map of
Kulthea, which looks nothing like our current map. There are diamonds
and plusses scattered across it. We do find the pillar of Thule.
Oathar examines the alter and finds it was made 116,000 years ago. Kyrik
asks and finds it was uses most recently 32,000 years ago.
We sleep in the music room. Haeraan dreams of a misty archway. There
are people all around poking at Haeraan and he's undecided but they keep
poking at him. "OK, OK, I'll go." He walks through and everything
looks different. He's on a barren plan pock marked with craters and a
black sky. All around you are skeletons on the ground. The skeletorns
died in a battle and are still clutching weapons and stuff. Oh dear.
Orhan 1 Day 25 TE 6058
In the morning the eye opens and one of the metal golems walks out and
hands Alynna the flute and says "DNA match confirmed" and hands
her the flute. We head back in. We check the flute and find that it is
the first flute ever played by a linaer. That's creepy. Same for the lyre.
Linaer in the ancient language means singer and loar means builder. Erlin
apparently means grower.
Kyrik tries to get it to transport us to the 14th planet. Countdown to
transport! 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... We get transported!
We end up in a room that looks much like the one we left. We exit the
room to find "the main complex". There are lot's of doors and
an opening on the far end. Our door says "portal room". Haeraan
detects enemies and finds "extra powerful ghosts" Class VI plus.
Five of them.
We investigate the admin area. In the desk drawers are a bunch of odd
little squares and crystals. Kyrik finds a crystal reader and discovers
that one of these crystals display words, most of which don't make sense.
A quick survey of the crystals gets lot's of tables of numbers and rosters
of names, and a sketch of a bizzare bulbous thing with flanges called
a "bulk cargo transporter". Fiscal history. Spaceport operations.
The back office has the ever popular voiceprint verification.
We portal in and set off the alarm. "Enter Security Code" Oh
dear. Now the panel on the door to the office is flashing red. We retreat
to the portal room. After several minutes we sense the approace of a ghost.
"They're trying to take over the station! Get over here and help!"
He's a ghost with six fingers on each hand and violet eyes, with a blaster
rifle and armor. He tries to draw us into their battle. Now we see all
the bodies and debris lying all around the ground and it looks like a
battlefield. We fight the battle with him. There's lot's of fighting.
"Die rebel scum!" "Never, the Empress will die first!"
Unfortunately, while Kyrik is explaining about Empress Kadaena, our rebel
friend takes offense. One blasts Haeraan.
"Hate those kataverie and their freaking magic. They should all
be killed!" They all have an inner eyelid. They're eerily convincing
and extremely fast. Kyrik gets wounded so we retreat back to the portal
room and Kulthea.